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  1. main idea-主旨题,主旨题主要考察的是文章的中心思想。


  The main point of the passage is to

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  The author’s primary purpose in this passage is to

  The chi theme of the passage can be best described as

  Which of the following titles best describes the content of the passage?

  Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

  2. specific details-细节题,考察的是理解作者明确表明的一些细节问题。


  According to the author

  The author states all of the following EXCEPT

  According to the passage, which of the following is true of the

  According to the passage, the chi characteristic of the subject is

  Which of the following statements is (are) best supported by the passage?

  Which of the following is NOT cited in the passage as evidence of

  3. inferences-推断题,考察的是作者表达的隐含意义,这就需要考生进行一个推理的过程。若果项中有的答案是直接能从原文中找到的往往不是正确答案,所谓隐含意义就是从文中已有的信息推断出隐含的信息。


  It can be inferred from the passage that

  The passage suggests that the author would support which of the following views?

  The author implies that

  The author apparently feels that

  According to the passage, it is likely that

  The passage is most likely directed toward an audience of

  Which of the following statements about...can be inferred from the passage?

  4. tone/attitude-语气、态度题,考察作者针对某个事件或是人物的态度,看法。


  The author’s attitude to the problem can best be described as

  Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in the passage?

  The author’s tone in the passage is that of a person attempting to

  The author’s presentation is marked by a tone of

  The passage indicates that the author experiences a feeling of

  5. vocabulary in context-词汇在文中的意思,这类的单词意思往往不是它通常的意思,而是在具体情境当中的某一个意思。


  As it is used in the passage, the term...can best be described as

  The phrase...is used in the passage to mean that

  In the passage, the word...means

  The author uses the phrase...to describe

  6. technique-文章中写作手法(段落结构,写作技巧),这里主要考察的是英语当中的某些写作技巧或者是文章结构的组织方式。


  Which of the following best describes the development of this passage?

  In presenting the argument, the author does all of the following EXCEPT...

  The relationship between the second paragraph and the first paragraph can best be described as...




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