


刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:800 移动端


  Overall 综合排名top10

  1. Loughborough University

  2. Harper Adams University

  3. Swansea University

  4.New College of the Humanities

  5.Falmouth University

  6.University of Surrey

  7.Bangor University

  8.University of Bath

  9.University of East Anglia UEA

  10.University of Glasgow


  Student support 学生支持率(给予学生的方方面面的支持)

  1. Harper Adams University

  2. Falmouth University

  3. Loughborough University


  Job prospects 工作前景(毕业是不是好找工作)

  1. University of Nottingham

  2. Harper Adams University

  3. Loughborough University


  Student union 学生会(学生会是不是有很好的在发挥该发挥的作用)

  1. Loughborough University

  2. University of Sheffield

  3. Nottingham Trent University


  Clubs and societies 社团(社团是否丰富,你是否能受益其中)

  1. Bangor University

  2. Loughborough University

  3. Harper Adams University


  City life 城市生活(是否便捷舒适)

  1. University of Bristol

  2. Nottingham Trent

  3. Northumbria University


  University facilities 校园设备(设备是否齐全,先进程度是否能满足专业需求)

  1. University of Surrey

  2. Loughborough University

  3. Harper Adams University


  Accommodation 宿舍

  1. Loughborough University

  2. Harper Adams University

  3. Bangor University


  Courses and lecturers 课程

  1. New College of the Humanities

  2. Harper Adams University

  3. Glasgow School of Art


  International 国际化程度

  1. University of Exeter

  2. University of Edinburgh

  3. University of Glasgow

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