


刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1047 移动端


  英国大学人力资源管理课程的设置非常细致 ,从人员的挑选的前期准备开始到合理的激励员工到解聘和养老金的发放, 方方面面都很全面,这也是国内所没有的.另外,英国大学的人力资源管理不像在中国内涵这样宽泛。学这一专业的学生,就业一般比较容易。他们有的去企业、有的去政府部门、有的去在学教书,还专门去咨询公司工作。 现在,发达国家各行业对人力资源管理专业的学生需求是很大的,相对容易找到工作。

  1. Leeds

  MA Human Resource Management


  This Masters is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). The optional HR Practitioner Pathway provides the opportunity for graduates to achieve Associate Membership of CIPD following successful completion of the course.

  英语要求IELTS 6.5小分6

  A good UK Bachelor's degree (minimum 2.1) or equivalent qualification ideally in a related subject,

  2. Newcastle


  Human Resource Management MA


  The course has been recently updated following a comprehensive review and is fully accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

  英语要求IELTS 6.5小分6

  A 2:1 honours degree or international equivalent. We will also consider your application on an individual basis if you have lower or non-standard qualifications and at least two years of relevant industry experience

  3. Birmingham

  Human Resource Management MA

  伯明翰商学院已获得AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA世界三大商学教育认证组织的认证,是英国少有的几家拥有三重认证的商学院[3] ;另外,伯明翰商学院还拥有CIPS(英国皇家采购与供应学会)、CIM(英国特许营销协会)、CIPD(英国特许人事与发展协会)、ICSA(英国特许公司秘书及行政主管协会)等专业协会的认证


  雅思要求English language scores of 7.0 IELTS (no less than 6.5 in any band)

  4. Sheffield

  Sheffield University Management School is proud to be in the top one per cent of business schools in the world thanks to a prestigious Triple Crown accreditation (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB). 谢菲尔德大学管理学院已获得AACSB, AMBA和EQUIS 三大权威认证,成为全球第59个拥有国际一流商学院"黄金"认证的大学


  Overall IELTS 7.0 with 6.0 in each component, or equivalent

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