


刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:599 移动端
俄勒冈大学    101    61
塔尔萨大学    79     61
阿拉巴马大学  75     71分
德拉华大学     75    直接录取是90分  可双录取
爱荷华州立大学97    71 Conditional Admission
Otherwise qualified applicants who do not meet one of the above test score requirements may apply for conditional admission if they have the following:
1         TOEFL IBT score of 55 or higher
2         IELTS of 5.5
圣迭戈大学     97    80   截止日期  1.15 日   
戴顿大学       100   70   5.1
新罕布什尔大学  100  80    4.1
马凯特大学      79   80   4.1
密歇根州立      79   61
克莱姆森大学    68   79    5.1
普渡大学        62   80    3.1
俄亥俄州立      55         2.1
If Your Score is Below the Minimum Requirement
Students whose scores do not meet the minimum scores on the TOEFL (or the alternative tests) but are otherwise academically admissible may be granted conditional admission to the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. However, a very limited number of conditional admissions can be offered each term as space is available. Scores must fall within the following ranges to be considered for conditional admission:
 TOEFL (IBT) scores of 54-80
 TOEFL (PBT) scores of 450-530
 IELTS 4.5 with no subscore less than 4.0


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