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  伦敦政治经济学院由Beatrice和Sidney Webb创立于1895年。1900年成为伦敦大学联盟的一员。伦敦政经学院与牛津大学剑桥大学帝国理工学院伦敦大学学院并称“G5”精英大学。它也是英国金三角名校和罗素大学集团成员。伦敦政治经济学院是一所将教学与科研集中在社会、政治和经济科学领域的顶尖学校,也是法律、经济学、国际关系、政治学、哲学、人类学、社会学、社会政策等方面研究的全球先驱。校友及教员之中包括16名诺贝尔奖得奖者,发展了最权威的经济理论,许多对全球政治、经济、社会发展有影响的思想、政治体系均源于该校。

  Bagri Fellowship——Bagri奖学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: £5,000 per year for 1 year only

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Social Sciences

  Application Deadline: 13-Jul-12

  Discretionary Bursaries——酌情助学金

  Undergraduate Award

  Award Value: The value of the award may vary according to need but is not expected to exceed a total of £3,500 combined with the LSE Bursary. for 1 Academic year

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Application Deadline: 01-Jun-12

  Jones/Markham Scholarship——琼斯/万锦奖学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: £14,000 per year for 1 year (renewable)

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Sciences: Pure and Applied

  Application Deadline: 10-Jan-11

  LSE Bursaries——LSE助学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: The maximum Bursary available is £3,500 per year for those students with the lowest residual incomes. The Bursary value tapers to £500 for those students on a partial grant.

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence Income related

  Laura Ashley Foundation PhD Scholarship——Laura Ashley基金会博士奖学金

  Undergraduate Award

  Award Value: There is one three year scholarship available worth £10,000 plus tuition fees each year.

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Social Sciences

  Mladena and Dianko Sotirov BIAP Visiting Fellowship——Mladena和Dianko Sotirov BIAP 访问奖学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: £3000 per year for 1 year only

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Humanities

  Modi-Narayanan Fellowship——莫迪纳拉亚南奖学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: £5000 per year for 1 year only

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Social Sciences

  Paul Woolley Centre Scholarship Programme——保罗·伍利中心奖学金计划

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: £14,000 per year for 1 year only

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Business, Management and Marketing

  Pinto Scholarship——平托奖学金

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Social Sciences

  Stonex Scholarship

  Postgraduate Award

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  The Advent Software Scholarship
  Postgraduate Award

  Award Value: 10,000 per year for 1 year only

  Award Criteria: Academic excellence

  Award Subjects: Sciences: Pure and Applied

  Application Deadline: 31-Jul-12

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