


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:312 移动端

  华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(英语:Washington, D.C.)是美利坚合众国的首都,位在中大西洋岸地区(mid-Atlantic)。哥伦比亚特区(District of Columbia,缩写:D.C.)是1790年做为首都而设置,由联邦政府直接管辖的特别行政区;[1]特区土地原来来自北邻马里兰州和南邻弗吉尼亚州,两州界河波多马克河由西北向东南流贯特区;1846年以后,波多马克河南岸的土地交还给了弗吉尼亚州,该河便成为特区与弗州的界河。在这个特区上有哪些比较好的大学是被中国教育部认可的呢?

  American University (Washington)

  Bennett Beauty Institute Inc. (Washington)

  Catholic University of America Department of Theology (Washington)

  The Catholic University of America (Washington)

  Corcoran College of Art and Design (Washington)

  Dominican House of Studies (Washington)

  Dudley Beauty College (Washington)

  Gallaudet University (Washington)

  The George Washington University (Washington)

  Georgetown University (Washington)

  Howard University School of Divinity (Washington)

  Howard University (Washington)

  The Institute of World Politics (Washington)

  Joint Military Intelligence College (Washington)

  Joint Military Intelligence Training Center, Dense (Washington)

  Lado International College (Washington)

  National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts (Washington)

  National Dense University (Fort Mcnair)

  National Geospatial Intelligence College - Branch Campus (Washington)

  Potomac College (Washington)

  Potomac College (Washington)

  Sanz School (Washington)

  School of Tomorrow Gospel Rescue Ministries (Washington)

  Southeastern University (Washington)

  Strayer University (Washington)

  Technical Learning Centers, Inc. (Washington)

  Trinity College (Washington)

  University of the District of Columbia (Washington)

  VMT Education Center (Washington)

  Washington Theological Union (Washington)

  Wesley Theological Seminary (Washington)


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