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  加州大学伯克利分校共有25位校友(Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 25 UC Berkeley alumni)获得了诺贝尔奖其中包括2011诺贝尔经济学奖获得者: Thomas Sargent, 他1964年获伯克利加州大学文学学位。

  UC Berkeley's 22 Nobel Prize winners(22位加州大学伯克利分校的教授获得了诺贝尔奖)

  Current Faculty Nobel Laureates at Berkeley

  2011 - Saul Perlmutter (Physics)

  2009 - Oliver E. Williamson (Economics)

  2006 - George F. Smoot (Physics)

  2001 - George A. Akerlof (Economics)

  2000 - Daniel L. McFadden (Economics)

  1997 - Steven Chu (Physics)

  1986 - Yuan T. Lee (Chemistry)

  1964 - Charles H. Townes (Physics)

  1960 - Donald A. Glaser (Physics)

  Deceased Faculty Nobel Laureates

  1994 - John C. Harsanyi (Economics)

  1983 - Gerard Debreu (Economics)

  1980 - Czeslaw Milosz (Literature)

  1968 - Luis Alvarez (Physics)

  1961 - Melvin Calvin (Chemistry)

  1959 - Owen Chamberlain (Physics)

  1959 - Emilio G. Segre (Physics)

  1951 - Edwin M. McMillan (Chemistry)

  1951 - Glenn T. Seaborg (Chemistry)

  1949 - William F. Giauque (Chemistry)

  1946 - John H. Northrop (Chemistry)

  1946 - Wendell M. Stanley (Chemistry)

  1939 - Ernest O. Lawrence (Physics)


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