

Students Study the Most

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:707 移动端

  How many out-of-class hours do you spend studying each day?

  1. 加州理工学院California Institute of Technology|Pasadena, CA

  2. 麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology|Cambridge, MA

  3. 里德学院Reed College|Portland, OR

  4. 富兰克林-欧林工程学院Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering|Needham, MA

  5. 哈佛大学Harvard College

  6. 明德学院Middlebury College|Middlebury, VT

  7. 斯沃斯莫尔学院Swarthmore College|Swarthmore, PA

  8. 伊利诺大学芝加哥校区University of Chicago|Chicago, IL

  9. 普林斯顿大学Princeton University|Princeton, NJ

  10. 戴维逊学院Davidson College|Davidson, NC

  11. 威廉姆斯学院Williams College|Williamstown, MA

  12. 美国海岸防卫学院United States Coast Guard Academy|New London, CT

  13. 美国军校United States Military Academy|West Point, NY

  14. 库伯高等科学艺术联合大学The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

  15. 布林茅尔学院Bryn Mawr College|Bryn Mawr, PA

  16. 斯维特布莱尔学院Sweet Briar College|Sweet Briar, VA

  17. 卡尔顿学院Carleton College|Northfield, MN

  18. 哈维姆德学院Harvey Mudd College|Claremont, CA

  19. 圣十字学院College of the Holy Cross|Worcester, MA

  20. 格林内尔学院Grinnell College|Grinnell, IA


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