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Brittany Stinson, 18, a high school senior at Concord High School in Wilmington, Delaware, was accepted into Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Yale and University of Pennsylvania。

今年18岁的布列塔尼 斯廷森,目前是特拉华州威尔明顿康科德的高中的应届毕业生,她已经收到了哥伦比亚大学康奈尔大学达特茅斯学院耶鲁大学宾夕法尼亚大学五所常春藤名校的录取通知。

The teen said she thinks what set her apart from other applicants was the essay in her college application that detailed her love of Costco。


The essay prompt that Stinson responded to asked students to share a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it。

斯廷森回应其他学生时说,申请文章要求我们分享 一些有意义的背景、身份、兴趣亦或是才能,如果没有这些,你的申请可能就不完整了。

Stinson s essay began, Managing to break free from my mother s grasp, I charged。 With arms flailing and chubby legs fluttering beneath me, I was the ferocious two? year old rampaging through Costco on a Saturday morning。 My mother s eyes widened in horror as I jettisoned my churro; the cinnamon?sugar rocket gracully sliced its way through the air while I continued my spree。

以下是斯廷森文章的开头: 我成功地挣脱了妈妈的束缚,获得了自由,我往前冲去。手臂胡乱挥舞着,小胖腿晃悠悠地走着,此时我还是一个两岁大的小孩,一个周六的上午,在好市多超市(Costco,美国一家大型连锁超市)到处横冲直撞。当我扔下手中的油条,妈妈惊恐地睁大了眼睛;我继续作乱,肉桂糖火箭优雅地从空中划过。

I was a conquistador, but rather than searching the land for El Dorado, I scoured aisles for free samples, it continued。 Bore inevitably being whisked away into a shopping cart, I scaled a mountain of plush toys and surveyed the expanse that lay bore me: the kingdom of Costco。

我是一个征服者,但是我没有继续在这一黄金国中搜寻,我把目标转向了免费样品区, 文章继续写道。 虽然我知道自己肯定会很快被抓进购物车,但在这之前,我爬上毛绒玩具堆成的小山,扫视着我眼前的这一切:这就是好市多王国。

Stinson said she was inspired to write about the big-box store because she wanted her applications to be unique。


The essay is really where it s important to show your personality and what gets you going, she told ABC News。 I knew that an essay about Costco would certainly be memorable -- whether the admissions officer liked it or not。

申请文章对于展现你的个性,你的想法是非常重要的, 她告诉ABC(美国广播公司)新闻。 我知道,一篇关于好市多的文章肯定令人耳目一新,无论招生人员喜欢与否。

Stinson was accepted into five Ivy League institutions, along with prestigious schools such as Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Boston University and New York University, which she said was her safety school。


It also didn t hurt that Stinson had a 4.0 GPA, took eight Advanced Placement classes, was the vice president of the Science Honors Society and the president of the National Honors Society at her school。 The teen said she also volunteers at a local hospital and worked with a University of Delaware professor on a genetics research project。


Stinson told ABC News she ll decide which college she ll attend after doing campus tours later this month, but so far she really likes Yale, Stanford or Dartmouth。


For now, she has decided on a major: Neuroscience。



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