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摘 要关于美国转学的那点事儿,9个中英文对比的答疑保你迅速了解美国转学,以下希望对想申请美国本科留学的学生有帮助。

全美20%以上的学生有过转学的经历,加州大学伯克利分校本科生院的毕业生一半左右是通过转学方式进去的。 本科转学是美国学制中的一个优秀体现。你不仅可以从美国的一所大学转入另外一所大学,还可以从国内转到美国去学习,部分学校春秋两季都可以转学。因为美国本科教育的优秀体制在于:英雄不问出处,不管你目前处于什么位置(专科也好,社区学院也罢),她永远给你积极向上的平台。


Q8. I am currently studying at UC Berkeley, however, I feel like it is just too competitive for me so maybe I will transfer to a university that is somewhat lower ranked and a bit less competitive. I think that would be easy? I know my idea is kind of weird (去了UC Berkeley,扛不住了,想去排名低一点,不是那么competitive的学校,是不是超级好转?我的想法是不是有点诡异 )

Wow this is a very interesting situation that I have actually never heard bore. I think it s actually very admirable that you acknowledge that Berkeley is possibly too competitive or not the right environment for you. The first thing that I would actually suggest is speaking to an academic advisor at Berkeley, just be sure that your problems or issues cannot actually be resolved by possibly changing major or seeking academic support. The only reason I say this is because Berkeley is obviously an excellent institution, and you just wanna make sure that you are transferring for the right reason.


If after doing so and you ve spoken to an academic advisor and you really do think that it is just not the right environment for you, then you are correct. It really shouldn t be too hard to transfer somewhere else that s lower ranked, however again you are still going to have to have done well in your academic course work. The thing here though is that they will be a little bit of vigol room or some room for errors in your grades since your reason for transferring is for the very reason that it is too competitive. So it shouldn t be too hard as long as you are being an engaged student, and you really are transferring for the right reason.


Again, as I ve mentioned bore, it is going to come down to your story about why you want to transfer and why your current institution-Berkeley is not a good fit for you academically, and why the new school you are applying to-whatever it is-is a better fit, and why you are gonna succeed there instead.



Q9. I am in love with Yale, but Yale rejected me first time I applied to it as a freshman applicant. If I try second time now as a transfer student, would my past rejection be a disadvantage in the application? Once Yale receives my transfer application, would they instantly know that I have been rejected by them bore as a freshman? Thanks!(我对耶鲁情有独钟,本科无情被拒,现在我还想转学过去,这个会有影响吗?如果我提交我的转学申请,学校那边会立马查到我之前申请过本科入学而且被拒了吗?)

Yes, unfortunately Yale is going to be able to see your previous application as soon as you apply for the second time as a transfer. They sought applications by name and identifying social security numbers for example in the US, and they will pretty easily be able to see that you had applied there the year bore.


It s only going to be a disadvantage if you really have not done anything dramatically different from when you apply to Yale as an incoming freshman the year bore.


For example, if you re-apply to Yale, you have similar grades, your activities are pretty much the same, and you use the same letters of recommendation, then you are probably going to get the same result. So in another words you can t expect to apply to Yale with the very similar application and have a different result. If you apply with a similar application, you are going to have a similar result which was the first time, a denial.


However, if your grades have improved significantly, and you have maybe an impressive new activity on your resume and you have some great letter of recommendation writer who at your current university who can write some really glowing positive recommendation, then that might be working for another application.


Another good thing to do would be to have an expert or someone take a look at your previous application to Yale and look for any of what we call red flags , or any pieces of the application that they think were maybe what led to the rejection. So for example maybe your TOEFL score was actually below their minimum, and that s why they rejected you. Everything else looks great, so maybe it is just the TOEFL score. If that s the case, you want to retake the TOEFL and you want to make sure that you are quite a bit above their minimum requirement the second time you apply.


This goes for other pieces of your application as well, so it s maybe the red flag was an SAT score or an SAT subject test. You can retake them or you should find some way to address whatever the thing was in your previous application that we think may have led to the rejection, and that the second time around should hopully give your application a little bit more of an advantage and you might get a better chance the second time around.


Again the biggest thing, with this question, is to really just make sure that your application is different and hopully addresses the reasons why you may have been rejected in the first place. We don t want to apply with the similar application. We want to apply with a new and an improved application.




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