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的出题机构College Board和监考机构ETS,通常使用在美国考过的考卷来当作亚洲区的考卷。在亚洲的考生可以通过种种渠道获得这些考题。更夸张的是,某些考试培训机构会派遣人员去美国本土参加考试,然后记住考题,或者干脆非法的偷偷拍下考卷中的内容。

一个不愿意透露姓名的监考人员在邮件中是这样回复华盛顿邮报的记者的: 学生们告诉我他们用这个网站来猜测之前考试的答案,然后不少小型培训机构会编写一个叫做 机经 的东西。的机经包含了所有之前阅读部分的答案。尽管机经并不是真正的考题,但是看了机经的考生们会记住阅读部分的主要内容和对应题目的答案。在12月6日的考试中,这些考试只需要把对应的答案匹配到相关的阅读篇目里面即可。


今年传出的作弊事件和去年发生的作弊事件如出一辙。在2013年10月的考试,ETS就因为韩国考区的泄题事件进行了相应调查。更早些时候,College Board因为泄题问题,直接取消了2013年5月所有在韩国考区进行的1和2考试的成绩。那次大规模取消整个考区成绩在历史上也是仅发生过一次。

作为College Board的对外联络负责人,古德博格在邮件里是这么回复这位监考人员的: College Board和ETS一致致力于给每一位考生创造公平的考试环境。我们在过去的数年里已经在提升考试安全性上做出了很大努力,然而我们深知在这方面应该提升的还有很多。我们会团结一致,积极努力的进行防止作弊行为发生并予以作弊的考生应有的惩罚。我现在还没有更多的关于本周末国际监考考试的信息提供给你。

正如我上周邮件里说过的,在过去的2年里,College Board和ETS已经尽了很大的努力去和各种作弊行为进行抗争。除了加强考场里的监考,考题的保密性和成绩的有效性,我们还增加了多种途径去验证考生的真实身份,同时减少了一些区域的考试。加强不少考区的监考管理,并关闭了一些考场。此次此刻,我还无法提供更多的关于本周末国际考场考生的信息给你门。

College Board和ETS在此事上的不作为,使得重复使用的考题在网络上大面积流传。他们的不作为使得亚洲考区的考生可以轻而易举的从过去的考卷中获得重要信息,并用在今后的考试里。



By Valerie Strauss

Proctors said that the Dec. 6 given in China, South Korea and other countries was leaked online early, and that after students took the test, they reported that the questions were identical to ones from the March 2014 given in the United States.

Students told me that they used College Confidential to discern the answers to previous exams and many private tutors and public testing centers compile what is called a key king, or a booklet containing all of the answers to the critical reading sections of previous exams. When a key king is compiled from college confidential the students do not have the actual test paper, but they know the answers and the subject of the critical reading sections. Students who memorized the key king reported that they recognized the critical reading sections on Saturday s I exam and were able to match the questions on the exams with the key king answers they had memorized.

This year s cheating troubles follow similar ones last year. In 2013, the October administration of the led to allegations in South Korea that questions from earlier tests were obtained by cram schools and given to students bore they took the exam. And the College Board canceled the May 2013 administration of the and Subject Tests throughout South Korea because of a leak of test questions the first time the test had been canceled in an entire country.

The College Board and ETS are committed to ensuring a fair testing environment for students. We have made great strides in improving our security measures over the past several years, yet we know more can still be done. Together we are actively working to find additional ways to prevent cheating and to ensure that those individuals who breach security protocols are held accountable.

Goldberg, asked Monday about the cheating allegations for the Dec. 6 administration of the , said in an e-mail:

As I emailed last week, over the past two years, the College Board and ETS have taken significant steps to combat a wide range of cheating. In addition to on-site investigations, to further safeguard the security of the exams and the validity of the scores, we have increased the ways in which we verify a test-taker s identity, reduced the number of administrations available in certain areas, enhanced on-site security measures in some test centers and closed others entirely.

Bob Schafer, public education director of the nonprofit National Center for Fair Open Testing, known as FairTest, said the continuing cheating on the and the inability or rusal of the College Board and the ETS to find ways to stop it are inexcusable. FairTest has for months received a number of e-mails from students, tutors and proctors from around Asia explaining how cheating is conducted. He said in an e-mail:

The test-makers (lack of) response is all too similar to the disregard they initially paid to claims of cheating on Long Island several years ago. It was only when school officials and the local District Attorney forced the issue that the College Board and ETS conducted a real investigation, exposed an impersonation ring, and developed new policies to stop that particular form of cheating (i.e. photo identification)

So what happens to those students found to have cheated in one of these probes? Not much. As I reported in a previous post, Tom Ewing, director of external affairs at the Educational Testing Service, said in an e-mail that a confirmed cheater s scores are cancelled but that the schools to which he or she is applying are not notified. Furthermore, they are permitted to take the again. Why? That s a question the ETS and the College Board haven t answered yet.

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