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好的开端是成功的一半,自述的写作更是如此。俗话说见字如面,自述是你给招生官留下的第一印象。如何写好自述对于申请的成功与否至关重要。这里我们来聊聊如何做好自述的开题立意,写出别出心裁抓人眼球的文书。 一.你所申请的专业需要哪些特质? 如同不同款式的衣服需要不同的面料来凸显它们的风韵,不同的领域也需要不同特质的人才来推动它的发展与进步。性格无好坏之分,只有合适有否。热情开朗,在管理,营销等专业领域里可能是发光发热耀眼夺目的,可是在科学研究领域里则暗淡许多,甚至只是一个不安定的因素。那么我们在进行PS写作之前首先要问问自己,我们要申请的这个专业看重哪些特点,我们是否具备这些特点以及我们如何以文字的形式来充分体现我们的这些特点。俗话说文如其人,我们不仅仅要写出自己的特点,更重要的是要通过字里行间表现出来,比如我们说自己是个做事严谨,逻辑性强的人,那么整个文章结构布局一定要清晰合理,段落之间环环相扣,语言也要力求准确避免出现 maybe, possible, about等界限模糊的字眼。这里我们用艺术设计和管理的两篇文章开头来简单说明如何开门见山的表明个人特质,并抓住招生官的眼球。 Full-tasting and bold color contrast reaches the end of the extreme; dynamic brushwork shocks the heart of appreciator by making the sky leaping up like flame; the huge frizzy nebular, lump of exaggerating starlight and the unbelievable orange-yellow moon add to the mystery and greatness, all of which represents a view of Starry Night full of high exaggeration and strong power. Empaistic color are so intense that it seems like burning; fully powerful brushwork so closely connects with emotion that attracting swarms of bees lingering upon stamen; it is the Sunflowers, this is me, a real worshiper of Dutch post-Impressionist painter, Vincent Willem van Gogh. 这是一篇申请艺术设计专业PS的开头。通过视觉感受的描述,写出了对梵高两幅名画-《星空》与《向日葵》的独到理解。这个开头有两个亮点,一是语言很有感染力,二是内容很具有想象力。从这个开头我们可以读出申请者是个色彩敏锐度高,艺术感受力强,很有创新能力的人。可以说这几个特质与其所申请的专业契合度还是很高的,所以这是一个很好的开头。 Hi, Shasha, see you again. That s what most people greetings when they see me. Yes, me again, a vigorous and independent girl who frequently appears in various activities. As an individual with challenging personality, I have joined in competitions to challenge myself successively; as an individual with high sense of responsibility, I have participated in voluntary activities more than once; as an individual with outstanding leadership and communication skills, I have been a teaching assistant in our university for about one year. As for me, life is rich and colorful, and full of challenges. What I should do is to deal with everything optimistically and greet every day with great zeal. 这是申请MBA专业的一篇PS开头。以对话的形式开头首先在形式上就避免了大众化。其次,在语言风格上较为简洁明快,没有复杂的句套句的现象,同时运用了排比句来增强语势并将自己丰富的课外活动做出了较为全面的概括。可以看出申请者是一个性格活泼开朗的人。而这样的特质在管理领域里是颇受欢迎的。所以这样开头可以给招生官留下一个很好地印象。 二.你的过往经历中有哪些与你要申请的专业密切相关? 理工科类专业一般比较看重学生的学术背景及研究经历,如果你要申请这类专业,那么在准备文书材料时不妨仔细回忆一下,在你过往的经历中有哪些是与你要申请的专业密切相关的。在这些经历中哪一个最能凸显出你的学术水平,专业能力以及你与众不同的独特性。在理工科类的申请中充实的内容与清晰地逻辑较之语言与创意更受青睐。所以我们要尽可能的少说 废话 。开门见山,在文章的一开始就给出审阅者要看到的点是我们最好的选择。 Back in 2012 when I was organizing a 3-person team working on the positioning device of an experimental laser remote voice detection system, I was attracted by one often-ignoring fact in the disparity of research objects held by different participants. That is, in the primary discussion stage, while the two of us from China stressed on the improvement of signal receiving and the reliability of the speech signal amplification, our friend John Goldberg suggested a reversal procedure that starts with the construction of interface security designing. This ideological variance enlightened me on the considerable benits of studying Electrical and Computer Engineering in this country. 以上为一篇申请电子与计算机工程专业的PS开头。申请者选择这样一个研究经历作为开头有三点好处:一是这个经历与其要申请的专业是密切相关的,这样就方便让审阅人从中读出申请者的专业度,以及申请者对这个领域的认识;二是在这个研究项目中有国际学生的参与,这样可以说明学生能够和与其文化背景不同的人进行很好的沟通交流,这在申请中也是一个重要的加分点;三是申请者是这个研究项目的组织者与发起人,从这里我们可以看出申请者将来不仅可以是该领域的从业者,更可以成为该领域中的开拓者,领航者。有哪个招生官会将这样优秀的申请者拒之门外呢。 如果你的PS不知从何说起,那么不妨先问问自己以上的两个问题吧。你足够优秀,也请把你的优秀以最完美的姿态示之于人吧。 供稿人:澳际总部美国部翻译 都兴美 特别声明:此文章为澳际公司原创文章 如有转载请注明澳际及作者姓名

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