

Prestige Only捷报榜更新 | 2个密歇根大学安娜堡分校Offer + 2大案例!

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恭喜澳际高端留学Prestige Only团队又收获全美排名第27的密歇根大学安娜堡分校的录取2枚!

下面给大家晒一下澳际高端留学Prestige Only团队的捷报榜单,收获大大滴!






初见W同学,她的活力、果敢、好奇心就给PO老师们留下了深刻印象。因此,我们决定继续挖掘这些美好的品质,将其与创业学的积极社会影响力结合起来。而这正是全美创业学第一的巴布森学院的核心特色 – 创业和商业不光促进经济资本增长,同时也将助益社会的良性发展。


在W同学加入PO后,我们首先从课外活动入手,参考美国当前流行的GirlTrek活动(http://www.girltrek.org/),结合她热爱运动,擅长编程的特点,指导她发起慈善健步活动,并建立活动官方网站。W同学将该活动命名为Running Water,因为参与活动的人需要每天走10,000步,每走一步就会捐献一块钱,所集善款会捐给UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)净水项目,为中国乃至世界各地缺水地区送给纯净的饮用水。

至今,这个活动W同学已经持续做了两年,其间她不断通过Running Water官方网站、学校、微信和其他社交平台推广该项目,吸引成员加入,并将一直做下去。



Bore W joining PO

W’s vibrancy, determination and curiosity impressed us from the moment we met her and PO worked with W to channel these qualities into social impact entrepreneurship that rlected Babson’s charge of creating equal amounts of social and economic capital in entrepreneurship and business. 

After W joining PO

Linking W’s interest in fitness and technology with current trends in the US to ensure her project resonated with US admission officers, PO worked with W to launch a running project and accompanying website. Entitled Running Water, modeled off of GirlTrek in the US (http://www.girltrek.org/), W organized a group of peers to walk 10,000 steps every day with each step raising money for clean water projects in China and around the world. PO worked with W to design a project, advertise to her peers and then continue to develop and iterate both the club and platform throughout her junior and senior year. 

Welcome W to Babson

This active contribution to her community and her determination to add both social and economic value through her work made W a poster-child applicant for an entrepreneurial and socially conscious Babson. 








Bore W joining PO

H came to us with a strong interest in journalism, but with little idea of how to present herself and her personality to US universities. 

After W joining PO

We worked with her through multiple iterations and drafts of her personal statement until it rlected who H felt that she was. She ended up focusing her personal statement on the importance of letting go of comforts such as frequent communication with her family and habits that she was used to in order to embrace, absorb and contribute to her school community at Miss Hall's. In her Northwestern Supplement, we worked with H to focus on a particular story in her journalism internship to showcase the experience and passion she has for journalism bore helping her describe the experience she aims to create at Northwestern of capturing this same level of personality and human nature in interviews with members of the Chicago community. 

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