


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:569 移动端

美国服装设计学系以培养学生人文素质与表达服装设计创作之专业技术与能力为教育目标,透过作品竞赛、展演等创作验证中发展个人特质与设计创作力,同时为因 应服饰产业人才需求以及扩展学生就业空间,分别规划设计、经营企划、生产管理、织品设计等专业辅助选修课程,为服饰产业培育全方位之专业人才。


在申请方面,服装专业除了托福成绩之外(仅小部分学校接受雅思成绩),本科生需要参加SAT考试,Mater Degree的话,如果是偏设计方面的专业,一般不需要GRE成绩,但也有少部分学校有要求。


(U of Wisconsin-Madison)

Design: Sketching and Rendering.

Computer Aided Design

Textile Design

History of Fashion, 1400-Present.

American Decorative Arts and Interiors: 1620-1840

Economic, Social and Psychological Aspects of Housing.

Twentieth Century Design.

History of European Interiors

History of American Interiors, 1620-1950.

Apparel Design

Textile Design

History of Textiles

Color Theory and Technology

Dimensions of Material Culture

Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts

Material Culture Analysis

Color Theory

Environmental Aesthetics

Lighting Design for Architecture


Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts

Synthetic Fibers

Interior Design

Art and Clothing

Comparative World Costume

Literature of Design Theory

Seminar in Environment, Textiles, and Design

Seminar in Textile Arts

Seminar in Textile Science

Seminar in Clothing

(Drexel U)

Textile Design

CAD Patternmaking

CAD for Fashion Design

Princ Flat Pattern Drap

Fashion Design A

Fashion Design B

Drawing for Industry

Fashion Design C

Fashion Design D

Machine Knitting

Accessory Design

Millinery Design

Advanced Fashion Drawing

Fashion Presentation

Fashion Business Topics

Spec Topics Fashion Desgn

Prob Fash Design Phase I

Prob Fash Design Phase II

Comp Exam - Fashion Design

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