

雅思口语:Eye candy华而不实

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本文讲解雅思口语Eye candy华而不实。学习雅思口语,扎实的基础理论知识、正确的学习方法和勤奋的练习都不能少。

今天Larry(LL) 和Li Hua(LH)下课以后在电影院门口商量看什么电影。

LH: Hmm, 我想看Troy,听说这部电影挺棒的!

LL: I don't know, Li Hua. That movie looks like it's nothing but eye candy.

LH: 你说那部电影是什么?Eye candy? candy不是“糖果”吗?这是一部关于古希腊的电影,和“糖果”有什么关系呀?

LL: I said it's mostly eye candy. Eye candy describes something that looks really good, but does not serve a usul purpose.

LH: 噢,你说的是eye candy。Eye candy是比喻某个东西看上去虽好,可是并不实用。那不就有点儿像我们中文里常说的“华而不实”吗?

LL: That's right. In a movie, fancy special fects are just eye candy.

LH: 现在好多电影都是靠电脑制作的特技场面,看起来挺花哨,其实电影本身一点儿意思也没有。可是Larry, 你知道吗, Troy 这部电影是Brad Pitt主演啊?

LL: Well, in this case the eye candy is Brad Pitt.

LH: 什么?说 Brad Pitt 是eye candy, 这也太不公平了。他不仅长得帅,而且演技也是一流的。你怎么能说他“华而不实”呢?

LL: Fine, fine, Brad Pitt is more than just eye candy. Still, I'd rather see something else... like that science fiction film I was telling you about. That's the kind of eye candy I want to see!

LH: 你要看那部科幻片啊?我看那才是名符其实的eye candy 呢!

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