

雅思口语:To butter up someone拍马屁

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本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语教程:To butter up someone拍马屁。学习雅思口语,扎实的基础理论知识、正确的学习方法和勤奋的练习都不能少哦。

大家要注意的是butter这个字在这里是当作动词用,意思就是:涂黄油。但是,to butter up someone并不是把黄油涂在谁的身上。作为习惯用语,to butter up someone就是一个人为了从某人那里得到好处而拍他的马屁。我们来举一个例子:

Since the word came out David will be promoted to vice president, everybody in the office is busy trying to butter him up except Joseph. Joseph is an honest person, he just doesn't know how to say things that are not true.



Some people believe to butter up your boss is the only way to get ahead. It may be true in some cases. But, in my view, the most important thing is your own qualifications and skills.


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