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Assistant Professor of Immunology
Miami University Oxford, OhioNine-month academic year salary plus summer salary opportunities
The Department of Microbiology at Miami University, Oxford, OH, invites applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor in Immunology to start August 2016.
A successful candidate will be expected to develop an externally funded research program involving both undergraduate and graduate students, and to achieve an excellent record of publication in peer-reviewed journals. Teaching duties include upper-level immunology and/or microbiology courses and courses in cell biology, general microbiology, and/or introductory biology. The candidate is also expected to carry out service to the University.
Required: Candidate should have a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience in immunology, microbiology, or a related discipline.
Strong candidates will have research interests emphasizing host response to microbial pathogens and/or vaccine development. They will also have the ability to achieve teaching and mentoring excellence, and will be willing to contribute to curricular development. Miami University has modern research laboratories with animal, microscopy, and molecular biology facilities.
迈阿密大学牛津(Miami University),是一所坐落在美国俄亥俄州男女合校制的公立研究性大学。该校建于1809年,是美国历史最悠久的十所公立大学之一,也是俄亥俄州最有渊源的大学之一。
2016年US News综合排名位居82名,被评为美国二级国家级大学,最佳本科教育质量全美排名第2。福布斯则将迈阿密大学牛津作为俄亥俄州第一公立大学,但在全美公立大学排名中屈居30位。该校更是第一批"公立常春藤"的正式成员。 迈阿密大学MU(此为正式名称)常常会与迈阿密大学UM混淆,或者被误认为是后者在牛津市的分校。实际上,这两个学校完全没有关系,是两个独立的大学。乔治华盛顿总统命名迈阿密大学是为了纪念17,18世纪在俄亥俄当地居住着一群印第安土著人迈阿密族,虽然他们已经移居奥克拉荷马州,但仍与迈阿密大学有千丝万缕的因缘。
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