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  申请金融专业的学生在选择美国大学时,都会有很多问题想咨询学校的小秘,下面是申请马里兰大学金融专业MSBF(The Smith Master of Science in Business)学生给系里小秘发的问题,可能也是其他希望申请马里兰金融同学想提的问题,所以把问题和系里小秘回复一并贴给大家,希望对大家的申请有帮助。


  1. What is the format of teaching­ Will the classes be held on weekdays daytime/ weekdays evening/ or weekends­

  2. Is there any facility such as library, self-study room, or lab in the Ronald Reagan Building­

  3. How many students will be expected to enroll into the programme this year­ and what is the percentage of international students­

  4. Could you please give me some information about previous years stundents&apos placement­ and will the school help international students to find some internship opportunities in D.C.­

  Thanks a lot for your attention.


  Answers to the questions:

  1. Classes are held during the day time on weekdays. However, you make opt to take classes in the evenings/weekends if you like the classes then or if it fits in better with your schedule.

  2. There are study spaces at RRB.

  3. We are looking for a class of about 40-50. As for international students, we do not have a specific target. We want a class filled with qualified candidates, regardless of their nationality.

  4. We do not have placement statistics. There are no career services offered to MSB students, so students must secure jobs/internships on their own using the class and personal network.







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