


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:332 移动端

  after 8趟厕所,2杯红茶,无数次起身坐下起身坐下。。。


  教授: 你好,请问是MissX吗?

  我: Yes, this is XXX. Thank you for calling.

  教授: I would like to give you interview, are you ready?

  我: Yes.(long pause)I am ready.

  教授: First question: why do you think you are ready for the graduate study in school psychology?

  我: blablabla......

  教授: Great. It is well answered. My next question is, can you make it? You know the program has 3 years of very intensive courses, and one year internship....

  我: 慷慨激昂的blablabla......

  教授: Great. Now I want to ask you, What do you think that school psychologists do?

  我: Promoting mental health of children, making assessments of children, counseling with children and their parents and consulting with teachers.

  教授: Very good!You will be great in the graduate school!

  我: Thank you !

  教授: I am going to write to the director and the committee to recommend you now.

  我: Thank you. You will not regret it. haha

  教授: I&aposm proud. byebye.

  我: bye!



  Dream do come true.

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