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  关于美国留学推荐信的问题大家一直都十分关心,希望它可以在申请中起到一定的正面作用,那么究竟什么样的美国留学推荐信是最有利于你的申请的呢?下面的英文内容是摘自Duke University官网的申请FAQ,关于推荐信的,大家可以参考一下。

  Who should I get to write my letters of recommendation?

  It is important to have recommenders who know you well, and who can attest to your research interests, achievements, and academic performance. Writers also should be able to elaborate on your record beyond providing information that is available on the transcript.

  General character rerences are of little or no value. Rerences do not necessarily carry more weight because the writer is prominent or a high ranking official. Some but not all letters can (and probably should, if you are working) be from a senior supervisor, but it is also important to have letters from faculty who can attest to your academic ability. One-sided letters that only offer praise are less credible than those that weigh both strengths and weaknesses. Do not write a letter for someone and have them sign it: this is easy to detect, and harmful to your application.

  以上就是摘自Duke University官网的申请FAQ中的什么样的美国留学推荐信是最有利于你的申请,通过上面的文章希望对大家的申请能够有所帮助吧。

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