


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:434 移动端


  Short Answers

  1. In which academic subjects are you most interested?

  2. In what extracurricular activities, including sports, are you involved at school/outside of school?

  3. Do you have any special interests or hobbies?

  4. Have you won any prizes or awards in school within the last two years?

  5. What extracurricular activities at Middlesex do you expect will interest you most?

  6. What books have you read recently for pleasure?


  Please limit your response to 350 words. Please respond to one of the following essay questions:

  1) Write a letter to your new faculty advisor in which you introduce yourself, dine your goals and aspirations for high school, and explain why you believe Middlesex is a school that fits you well.

  2) You are granted a seat on the Middlesex Admissions Committee. What characteristics would you weigh most heavily when evaluating applicants to the school and why?

  3) What are people most surprised to learn about you?


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