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  在美国留学申请中,转学是不少中国学生的选择。那么在成功申请转学到美国之后,学业跟不上怎么办?暑期实习该如何找?相信这是学生们最关心的问题,带着这些问题我们采访了澳际外籍顾问William Spencer Vereen,希望他的讲解可以帮助大家顺利申请。以下内容是根据采访录音整理的文字稿,如有部分措辞不准确请大家见谅!

  Q:After transferring, some students find that they can’ t keep up with other students, what advice do you have for students to avoid this situation?


  A:It can be very difficult especially for international students to go abroad. There are many many resources at every single college to take advantage of. From my understanding, there is a writing center at almost every university. If you are struggling with writing a paper, go to the university’s writing center. You will have peers there, you will have people with PHDs there, helping you and guiding you through the process. You can come in with the finished part that you want to ameliorate over. You can go in with a set of ideas that you want to ask them and see their opinions about them. So it is on you to go and seek out this information.


  A:A phrase in US is “Ask and You Shall Receive”. So just ask for help. Professors have office hours especially at the undergraduate level. They are required to have all these hours every single week. Where during the set time, you can go in and talk about whatever is going on. If you are disappointed at how you did on the test, go in and talk to the professor and sit down and say “I didn’t understand the question there” what are you really trying to ask. If you want help on your paper that you are writing for this class, if you want to get an idea of what he wants from you, go in and ask. Ask him what do you want from me in this paper. He will tell you. Flat out, there is no fluff, so to speak, behind what he is going to say. He is going to tell you his expectations, and then you can go from there.


  A:I guess the third thing is, if you are still struggling and you want to do better in the class or everything else. Study groups. That is a big thing in the US especially when it comes to test and close to finals and midterms. Everyone in the class is looking to do well so everyone is trying to get together with other people, because the more ideas you have, the better chances someone is going to be right on a question. And if someone know something that you don’t know, then it would benit you from going to this study group.


  Q:So How to find this kind of study groups?


  A:Study groups can be kind of hard to find, but the easiest way is to certainly go and ask your peers in the classroom: “Hey, you know we have this test coming next week, do you want to get together and study?” Most people are going to be open to doing so, because they benit from your knowledge as well. So literally, just go and ask. Ask and You Shall Receive.















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