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刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:387 移动端
这个是我尽力想出来的哈。整个过程我很语无伦次,所以有点记不清了...... [b]Me:Good mornig,sir. Nice to meet u .(他同时说good morning) [b]last time Mr Terry suggested me to come again after taking Gaokao. I did [b]it, soi'm here again. I wish u can offer me a chance. [b]Ben:笑,好像说Terry是叫你参加高考,没叫你又来签证。 [b]So u have taken Gaokao? [b]Me: Yes, do u want to see the score? [b]Ben: Sure [b]我翻了半天都翻不到,不停说wait a min.最后终于翻到了。递给他 [b]Ben:So which uni accepcts u? [b]Me: *** [b]Ben:No, I mean uni in China. [b]Me: I didn't chose to study in China, so I didn't apply Chinese uni. [b]Ben:(说了一句没听清楚,可能是那你高考做什么呢?又说了几句,还是没有听清楚.) [b]你的分数能上北大吗?不行。清华?(我:不行)so which one? [b]Me: 川大。 [b]Ben: It's good .Why not study there? [b]Me: What i wan to do is to study accounting in USA, ****and come back to [b]Chengdu after graduation to set up my accouting firm.but in China, it's [b]impossible for me to ***.blabla. So i didn't ... [b]Ben: ( 笑)I know u want me to believe u that u will come back to set up [b]your accounting firm, but i have to say it's hard to believe. [b]Me:No,no no,first i'll work in a company for 3 three years [b]Ben:Why did u change ur story?意思是你不是刚刚才说你要回来开公司吗,怎么又变 [b]成工作三年 ? [b]Me:no no no, i want to study in USA, because blablabla, so***。 [b]Ben:what are ur parent's work? [b]Me: My father is an acountant-in-chi, mother is an accountant.They've [b]been working as accountants for over 15 years. [b]Ben: where r they working ? [b]Me; do u wnat to see..? [b]Ben: No, u just tell me. [b]Me: 爸爸在。。。工作,妈妈在。。。工作,blablabla [b]Ben:(不停地笑)okay, u can stop now, u really talk a lot. [b]Me:继续,但只能吐出单词,完全说不出一句话 [b]Ben:(笑) You will be good in USA, coz u talk a lot, u really talk a lot. [b]Me:继续吐单词。 [b]Ben开始折I-20,我就shut up 了。 [b]Ben:开始发问,你怎么知道你在美国能实现自己的目标呢? [b]Me:because it's a good uni. [b]Ben:How good? [b]Me: blablabla [b]Ben:说了一句,没有听清楚。立即咨询


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