


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:413 移动端



  China’s large and growing economy has made it an increasing economic force over the last two decades, but it had not produced global companies. Chinese businesses focused domestically and mass-produced products for international companies. Mr. Ma is taking a different approach. Alibaba has initially concentrated on China’s enormous markets, but he understands the Internet is a worldwide phenomenon that knows no borders. He believes that Alibaba can compete internationally and across sectors, and intends to serve the American, European and emerging markets. But he said he won’t stop there. He has plans to disrupt China’s commercial banking and insurance sectors as well.


  Asked about his success, Mr. Ma shares his life story. He was raised in humble origins in Hangzhou in the 1980s, just as China was opening up to the West. Growing up, he overcame one obstacle after another. He was rejected at virtually every school he applied to, even grade schools, because he didn’t test well in math.

  他坚持了下来。从12岁到20岁,他经常骑40分钟的自行车前往一家酒店,到那里练习英语。“中国开放后,吸引了很多外国游客,”他说。“我充当免费导游,带他们四处观光。这八年的经历深深改变了我。我变得比大多数中国人都更加全球化。外国游客告诉我的事情,跟我从老师和书本上学到的东西不一样。”年纪轻轻的他申请了30家公司的工作,但每次都遭到拒绝。有一次,他和另外23人同时申请肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)的岗位,那23人都被录用;只有他被刷了下来。于是他成为了一名英语教师,在杭州电子工学院教书。1999年,他前往美国。“我的梦想受到了美国的启发,”他说。“我参观硅谷的时候,看到傍晚路上满是车,所有建筑物内都有灯光。这就是激情。我把阿甘(Forrest Gump)当作榜样。”

  He persevered. From age 12 to 20, he rode his bicycle for 40 minutes to a hotel where he could practice his English. “China was opening up, and a lot of foreign tourists went there,” he said. “I showed them around as a free guide. Those eight years deeply changed me. I became more globalized than most Chinese. What foreign visitors told us was different from what I learned from my teachers and books.” As a young man, he applied for jobs at 30 companies and was rejected every time. At Kentucky Fried Chicken, 24 people applied, 23 got jobs; only Mr. Ma was rejected.

  回到杭州,马云和蔡崇信(Joe Tsai),即阿里巴巴现在的董事局执行副主席,在他不起眼的公寓里创办了阿里巴巴。他们之所以用这个名字,因为它“容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(One Thousand and One Nights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语”。

  So he became an English teacher at Hangzhou Electronics Technology College. In 1999, he visited America. “I got my dream from America,” he said. “When I visited Silicon Valley, I saw in the evening the road was full of cars, all the buildings with lights. That’s the passion. My role model is Forrest Gump.”


  For all his success, Mr. Ma has retained his authenticity. He recognizes that leadership is character, and he is focused on building his team. His role model is a well-oiled soccer team where 11 players work together for the success of the team. He would rather hire entrepreneurs than seasoned business executives, who are always looking over their shoulders, trying to please their bosses rather than their customers.


  Mr. Ma said this Was not just about making money. “I’m just a purist. I don’t spend 15 minutes thinking about making money,” he said. “What is important in my life is influencing many people as well as China’s development. When I am myself, I am relaxed and happy and have a good result.”


  His lighthearted nature has helped create a unique culture and fun atmosphere at Alibaba where employees are given cans of Silly String, encouraged to do handstands to bolster their energy during breaks, and participate in an annual talent show where Mr. Ma sings pop songs. He practices tai chi and uses the nickname “Feng Qingyang,” a rerence to a Chinese kung fu guru who trained an apprentice into a hero. Mr. Ma called martial arts “the most down-to-earth way of explaining Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism,” adding, “They cherish brotherhood, morality, courage, emotion and conscience.”


  He said he worried that China lost an entire generation when Mao Zedong phased out Confucianism and other forms of spirituality. But he said he hoped to restore that sense of values and purpose to the next generation. “It’s not policies that we need, but genuine people,” he said. Asked about corruption in China, he said, “I would rather shut down my company than pay a bribe.”


  He listed three worries: continuing to create genuine value for his customers, working cooperatively with the government and building his team of global leaders. What will he do with his fortune? His big dream is to found a university for entrepreneurs that can create the new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs.


  Jack Ma is a force of nature. He may become the role model for the new generation of global leaders, not only in China, but also throughout the world. “Our challenge,” he said, “is to help more people to make sustainable money that is not only good for themselves but also good for society. That’s the transformation we are aiming to make.”


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