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  Benits Of The Black Death, A Medieval Catastrophe

  When the Black Death started to sweep across medieval Europe in 1347 it seemed as if the whole structure of the world was collapsing. The mortality rates were horrific and there was no ready explanation as to what caused this plague. When you then add in the confusion and superstition common to these years you can start to get a feel for the panic and confusion which must have covered the land.

  However, albeit hard to believe, there were benits and the plague introduced or increased the speed of social changes across Europe. Let&aposs look at some of the changes.

  1. From these years came the glory of the Renaissance. Starting in Florence and often associated with the works of Dante it represented a flowering of art which was the perfect opposite from the great death.

  2. With so many people dead labour became scarce and this helped to bring an end to serfdom. It is also argued that the Black Death encouraged innovation of labour-saving technologies, leading to higher productivity

  3. Although the Black Death highlighted the shortcomings of medical science in the medieval era, it also led to positive changes in the field of medicine. As described by David Herlihy in The Black Death and the Transformation of the West, more emphasis was placed on “anatomical investigations” following the Black Death.How individuals studied the human body notably changed, becoming a process that dealt more directly with the human body in varied states of sickness and health. Further, at this time, the importance of surgeons became more evident.

  4. The Hundred Years War between England and France was curtailed when the English Plantagenets, so dependent upon their infantry, found that 40% or so of the fighting men in the population were dead. Read more about King Edward III one of the last Plantagenet kings.So in conclusion we can indeed look back on the horror of the plague years but we must also remember that it instigated many changes for the better in society and heralded the start of the Renaissance.


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