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  1. Common good


  Work for the common good为公益工作

  Show no care for the common good对公益漠不关心

  很多SAT的话题都能转到common good。例如2013年5月香港考题,我们是应该prepare for the future 还是应该enjoy the present?我们可以把现在很多人浪费能源,不顾common good的例子,转化为,很多人为了enjoy the present,不管future,所以能源短缺,环境污染。

  另外,当问道,是否限制个人的利益能带来一个家庭或组织的成功时,我们也可以用到这个思路。如,为了common good,我们不应该尽情享受资源。请背诵:Individuals can become “free riders”by taking the benits the common good provides while rusing to do their part to support the common good. An adequate water supply, for example, is a common good from which all people benit.But to maintain an adequate supply of water during a drought, people must conserve water, which entails sacrifices. Some individuals may be reluctant to do their share, however, since they know that so long as enough other people conserve, they can enjoy the benits without reducing their own consumption.If enough people become free riders in this way, the common good which depends on their support will be be destroyed. Many observers believe that this is exactly what has happened to many of our common goods, such as the environment or education, where the reluctance of all persons to support forts to maintain the health of these systems has led to their virtual collapse.

  2. For the sake of


  For the sake of politeness为了礼貌起见

  For the sake of convenience为了方便起见

  Give up smoking for the sake of health为了健康而戒烟

  Don’t get married just for the sake of it.不要为了结婚而结婚。

  For the sake of clarity she went back over the key points.为了清晰起见,她又重复了一遍要点。

  Comfort has been sacrificed for the sake of improved performance.为提高性能而舍弃了舒适。

  In an individualistic culture it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to convince people that they should sacrifice some of their freedom, some of their personal goals, and some of their self-interest, for the sake of the “common good.”在个人主义文化里,很难,或者说根本不可能说服人们为了公益而牺牲一些个人自由,目标或者利益。

  3. Undercut

  讲解:if something undercuts someone’s attempts to achieve something, it makes those attempts infective, often by producing the opposite fect to the one intended.削弱=weaken=undermine

  His image was undercut by the fact that he reeked of manure.他身上散发的粪味破坏了他的形象。

  Maintaining an unpolluted environment, for example, may require that particular firms that pollute install costly pollution control devices, undercutting profits.比如,为保持环境不被污染,可能需要某些污染大的公司安装昂贵的污染控制设备,这样会降低企业利润。

  4. Optimal

  讲解:also optimum/the best possible; producing the best possible results.最佳的;最适宜的

  They are not functioning at their optimum.他们并非在最有效地工作。

  ...trying to achieve the optimum rate of economic growth...努力达到最佳的经济增长率...

  Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language.出国学习是最好的学习语言的方式。

  The layout of the furniture makes optimum use of the space available.家具的摆放很好地利用了现有的空间。

  5. Immerse

  讲解:if you immerse yourself in something that you are doing, you become completely involved in it使专心于。

  That year I immersed myself totally in my work.那一年我全力以赴地埋头工作。

  He became immersed in the activities of the Oxford Union of Students.他全身心地投入了牛津大学学生会的活动。

  There is no better and more fective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning.没有比沉浸在你正在学的语言文化里更好更有效的学习语言的方式了。

  Being immersed in an entirely new culture setting is scary at first, but it’s also exciting.沉浸在完全陌生的文化环境会让人感到害怕,但也会非常兴奋。

  6. Setting

  讲解:a particular set of circumstances or conditions.环境=situation=environment

  Working in a university setting, you can’t ignore these things.在大学的环境中工作,你不能不顾及这些事情。

  The group setting has several distinct advantages for dealing with there problems.对付这些问题,群体环境有好几个明显的优点。

  Studying abroad will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide.出国留学会帮助你提升技能,给你提供课堂完全学不到的经历。

  7. Expand


  Expand one’s intellectual horizons拓展自己(知识)的视野

  Reading/travel expands one’s mind.读书(旅行)能使人的思想开阔。

  A child’s vocabulary expands through reading.孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。

  Study abroad expands your worldview.出国留学会扩大你的世界观。




  1. Common good


  Work for the common good为公益工作

  Show no care for the common good对公益漠不关心

  很多SAT的话题都能转到common good。例如2013年5月香港考题,我们是应该prepare for the future 还是应该enjoy the present?我们可以把现在很多人浪费能源,不顾common good的例子,转化为,很多人为了enjoy the present,不管future,所以能源短缺,环境污染。

  另外,当问道,是否限制个人的利益能带来一个家庭或组织的成功时,我们也可以用到这个思路。如,为了common good,我们不应该尽情享受资源。请背诵:Individuals can become “free riders”by taking the benits the common good provides while rusing to do their part to support the common good. An adequate water supply, for example, is a common good from which all people benit.But to maintain an adequate supply of water during a drought, people must conserve water, which entails sacrifices. Some individuals may be reluctant to do their share, however, since they know that so long as enough other people conserve, they can enjoy the benits without reducing their own consumption.If enough people become free riders in this way, the common good which depends on their support will be be destroyed. Many observers believe that this is exactly what has happened to many of our common goods, such as the environment or education, where the reluctance of all persons to support forts to maintain the health of these systems has led to their virtual collapse.

  2. For the sake of


  For the sake of politeness为了礼貌起见

  For the sake of convenience为了方便起见

  Give up smoking for the sake of health为了健康而戒烟

  Don’t get married just for the sake of it.不要为了结婚而结婚。

  For the sake of clarity she went back over the key points.为了清晰起见,她又重复了一遍要点。

  Comfort has been sacrificed for the sake of improved performance.为提高性能而舍弃了舒适。

  In an individualistic culture it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to convince people that they should sacrifice some of their freedom, some of their personal goals, and some of their self-interest, for the sake of the “common good.”在个人主义文化里,很难,或者说根本不可能说服人们为了公益而牺牲一些个人自由,目标或者利益。

  3. Undercut

  讲解:if something undercuts someone’s attempts to achieve something, it makes those attempts infective, often by producing the opposite fect to the one intended.削弱=weaken=undermine

  His image was undercut by the fact that he reeked of manure.他身上散发的粪味破坏了他的形象。

  Maintaining an unpolluted environment, for example, may require that particular firms that pollute install costly pollution control devices, undercutting profits.比如,为保持环境不被污染,可能需要某些污染大的公司安装昂贵的污染控制设备,这样会降低企业利润。



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