

SAT独家写作例子之Art Clokey.

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  下面为大家整理的是关于Art Clokey的SAT写作例子,文中介绍的人阿特•克洛基,美国粘土动画先驱,在二十世纪50年代至90年代誉满美国的著名角色“小绿人冈比”的创造者。这份SAT写作例子可以应用的范围很广泛,内容出自澳际培训常志诚老师的《百分百SAT写作例子集》点击下载电子书


  Art Clokey

  If you love animation, you probably know Art Clokey, an American pioneer in the popularization of stop motion clay animation, who created the famous character Gumby that swept the US from 1950s till 1990s.

  His creation of clay animation was greatly influenced by his professor at the University of Southern California, but bore that, his artistic talent, which laid a foundation for his coming invention, was discovered and tapped by Joseph W. Clokey. When he was 9, his parents divorced and he lived with his mother and stepfather. Yet he was abandoned by his stepfather soon and stayed at an orphanage till the age of 12 when he was adopted by Joseph W. Clokey. Joseph W. Clokey was a classical music composer and organist. He schooled Art Clokey in painting, drawing, and film making while also taking him on journeys to Canada and Mexico.

  All the forts Joseph W. Clokey made contributed to a suitable aesthetic environment that fostered Art Clokey’s artistic sensitivity and promoted the birth of Gumby.

  From what we saw about Art Clokey’s early life, we could tell how significant a good environment was for developing children and teenagers’ talents which might decide the following professional and personal development.





  以上就是关于SAT写作例子中Art Clokey的相关介绍,大家在遇到大众观点类、选择类、成功类等话题的时候,可以适当的更加详细的了解详细内容并选择合适的角度切入使用。想要看到更多例子,点击下载电子书。大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实际情况进行适当的应用。

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