

SAT写作高分范文之obstacle and opportunity.

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  下面为大家整理和推荐的是一篇关于obstacle and opportunity的SAT写作范文,这篇SAT写作范文的主要内容是任何障碍都可以变成一个机遇,你对这个观点有什么看法。大家一起来看看详细的内容吧。

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  “When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you, and be a loser. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.”--Mary Kay Ash


  What is your view of the idea that every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your po-sition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or obser-vations.

  Essay Sample:

  Every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity, if one has the right attitude or perspective. People with this attitude are buoyant, not easily discouraged, and welcome challenges and adversity. One personal example took place in sixth grade, when I broke my hand by falling off my bicycle. The doctor had to put it into a cast.

  The cast was a real obstacle. It was on my right hand, the one I write with. It looked like homework would be impossible! But I learned to type with one hand, and I did my English and social studies work on the typewrite. My mom helped me by writing out my math homework based on answers I gave her. The expe-rience sure helped my typing! It also made me learn the value of work, and gave me a chance to really learn to appreciate my mother.

  In addition, having the cast was an excuse to improve my basketball game. I was a decent player, but most comfortable with my right hand. But with the cast on I was forced to practice dribbling with my lt hand, and now I can go either way.

  Finally, there was one other unexpected benit. In art class, I was never good. But one day, with my hand still in the cast, I tried drawing with my lt hand. To my surprise, I was much better at it than bore! The cast is long gone, but I still draw lt-handed and am really quite good at it. Maybe I’d never have know about this ability if hadn’t made my obstacle in to my opportunity.

  以上就是关于obstacle and opportunity的SAT写作高分范文的全部内容,非常详细,包括了SAT写作题目的要求和范文内容的介绍等等。大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的相关题目的时候,对此加以适当的参考和借鉴。

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