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这篇作文和前一次讲的比较来看,这位同学有进步,开始在规定的时间内完成了文章,并进行了修改。美中不足的是,文章的结构还是比较古板,一,二,三然后结论。当然,转接,过渡和呼应都需要慢慢磨练。上课这几次短短的讲评,有这样的进步,我已经比较满意了。 题目稍微难了一些:(While Malaria is tormenting the Afican continent, major pharm comapnies push to experiment and market the untested medicines and vaccines in African nations that can not afford to even the cheapest branded supplies available in the international pharmaceutical market. Talk about the dillemma, moral challenge and even economic impact of this engagement. Limit your discussion to 500 words or less. )谈谈疟疾在非洲的问题,医药公司选择在非洲实验新药,而备受病情折磨的非洲无力支付成熟药物。这件事你怎么看,谈论你的观点。 Recently reported by the journal Lancet, researchers working in Cameroon claimed a 100 percent cure rate among 40 patients who took an experimental drug, Pyronaridine. The patients all had the most severe form of malaria. By the contrast, patients in the study who took the most widely prescribed drug, Chloroquine, only had a cure rate of 44 percent. So this report convince me that the benits of medicine tests in Africa outweigh the drawbacks for the following reasons. First of all, some people regard testing new drugs widely in Africa as an immoral behavior. However, I strongly disagree to this opinion, since the same tests are done in North America, South America and Europe. To clarify my point, on the one hand, we should not single out the tests in Africa for criticism. Testing medicines there is not a problem being relevant to moral, but an behavior leading us to find a better appoach to save lives. On the other hand, in Africa, if a drug is sold without sufficient testing, certain severe fects may become unable to detect, rendering people into the high rates of disease, or, even death. Furthermore, new drugs or experimental drugs HAVE TO be tested among various people, people living not only in Africa but in Europe, America, etc. That is especially important because of its unpredictable fect to people in different race or people growing in different environment. For instance, a new antimalaria drug like pyronaridine must be tested among people in countries. Since this new drug was only tested in China, Dr. Olliaro, the person who invented this new drug, viewed the fect to different people with caution. “So little is known about pyronaridine that no country outside China is likely to approve it without further study”, Dr. Olliaro said. Secondly, in third-world countries like Africa, a great number of infrastructures or hospitals would be remained as a result of new drug testing by pharmaceutical corporations. Indeed, a major factor that could lead to an impression of increasing malaria would be a dearth of health-care infrastructure: if the hospitals became overwhelmed by patients having other infectious diseases, it would not accomodate the same number of people having malaria as bore,which could result in the skyrocketing of death. So governments in Africa are supposed to supervise whether those clinical trails meet the requirement of health care standard, rather than to prohibit the testing of drugs. Thirdly, drugs which has used for several decades are almost useless and as a result, people who has long been taking these treatments need new drugs. Actually, antimalaria drugs like pyronaridine are always sought after, because the parasites that cause the disease develop drug resistance so quickly. For instance, Chloroquine, the first-choice medication since the 1940’s, has virtually stopped working in Africa. Thus patients that have got malaria recently, especially those living in Africa always need new drugs. Most of them, however, don’t have money for some basic life substance, not to mention receiving medical treatments. Had not they received clinical trails, most malaria patients in Africa would have died. In conclusion, relocating medicine tests to developing countries is not morally wrong for the above reasons, even more, it could have benicial fects for budget-poor countries like countries in Africa.


这篇作文和前一次讲的比较来看,这位同学有进步,开始在规定的时间内完成了文章,并进行了修改。美中不足的是,文章的结构还是比较古板,一,二,三然后结论。当然,转接,过渡和呼应都需要慢慢磨练。上课这几次短短的讲评,有这样的进步,我已经比较满意了。 题目稍微难了一些:(While Malaria is tormenting the Afican continent, major pharm comapnies push to experiment and market the untested medicines and vaccines in African nations that can not afford to even the cheapest branded supplies available in the international pharmaceutical market. Talk about the dillemma, moral challenge and even economic impact of this engagement. Limit your discussion to 500 words or less. )谈谈疟疾在非洲的问题,医药公司选择在非洲实验新药,而备受病情折磨的非洲无力支付成熟药物。这件事你怎么看,谈论你的观点。 Recently reported by the journal Lancet, researchers working in Cameroon claimed a 100 percent cure rate among 40 patients who took an experimental drug, Pyronaridine. The patients all had the most severe form of malaria. By the contrast, patients in the study who took the most widely prescribed drug, Chloroquine, only had a cure rate of 44 percent. So this report convince me that the benits of medicine tests in Africa outweigh the drawbacks for the following reasons. First of all, some people regard testing new drugs widely in Africa as an immoral behavior. However, I strongly disagree to this opinion, since the same tests are done in North America, South America and Europe. To clarify my point, on the one hand, we should not single out the tests in Africa for criticism. Testing medicines there is not a problem being relevant to moral, but an behavior leading us to find a better appoach to save lives. On the other hand, in Africa, if a drug is sold without sufficient testing, certain severe fects may become unable to detect, rendering people into the high rates of disease, or, even death. Furthermore, new drugs or experimental drugs HAVE TO be tested among various people, people living not only in Africa but in Europe, America, etc. That is especially important because of its unpredictable fect to people in different race or people growing in different environment. For instance, a new antimalaria drug like pyronaridine must be tested among people in countries. Since this new drug was only tested in China, Dr. Olliaro, the person who invented this new drug, viewed the fect to different people with caution. “So little is known about pyronaridine that no country outside China is likely to approve it without further study”, Dr. Olliaro said. 上12下




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