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我的PS从七月开始写,到九月中旬基本完稿,前后花了两个半月的时间。写完了以后需 [b]要多修改,请人提意见。我把draft email给一美国教授看了,对方是quite impressed [b]使我信心大增。在这期间我参考了许多前辈们的作品,从中积累了一些经验,在这里写 [b]出希望对后来者有所帮助,起到抛砖引玉的作用。万事开头难,首先就是选材的问题。一种 [b]好的做法是,首先把自己认为各个方面有价值的经历和收获都列出来,再从中挑选。所以我 [b]一开始首先就把resume给写好了,再根据resume进行expand. 自己认真回答以下问题 [b] [b]1、 Why are you interested in your chosen field of study? How and when [b]did y [b]ou begin to get interested? [b]2、Why do you want a graduate degree? [b]3、Why do you want to study abroad? [b]4、What was the most rewarding class you took in college and why? What was [b]the most rewarding assignment you did and why? [b]5、In addition to classes, how else did you learn about your field of [b]intere st (e.g. books, seminars, lectures, conversations)? [b]6、What kinds of academic skills (research, lab, etc.) did you learn in [b]college? [b]7、Were you involved in any especially memorable academic accomplishments [b]in college? Describe them. [b]8、What are your short and long-term career plans? How certain are you of [b]them? [b]9、How will pursuing a graduate degree help you reach your career goals? [b]10、What current and past work experiences have you had? What were the most [b]important things that you learned from them? [b] [b]我个人的PS从形式上比较简单,是比较标准的个人成长型。不过内容比较充分,研究经历 [b]写得比较多。很多人问写多长为好,这个自然因人而异,因内容而定,我个人觉得比较 [b]理想的长度是两页(A4)不到为好。我的基本上是1000字。对于不同学校的PS要略做修改 [b],这个也是属于细活,要结合学校来写,需要充分了解所申请系的特点。 [b]立即咨询
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