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Verb Alternative Meaning Language in use
Distain Despise 轻视,贬抑 Despised all cowards and flatterers
Deride Mock, ridicule, flout 嘲笑,嘲讽 He derides her naïve attitude
Reveal Uncover, disclose 揭密,泄漏 Her laugh revealed her even teeth
Rob Loot, pillage 掠夺, 推动 Not only do they rob you they smash everything too.
Slander Discredit, denigrate 诽谤,中伤 He claims he was slandered at the meeting.
Extol Compliment, glorify, laud, praise 赞扬 He keeps extolling her goodness.
dissent Demur, deprecate 反对,不赞成 Dissent from official policy
Dispute Rute, renounce 否认,拒绝 Dispute resolution in health care.
Deplore Regret, lament, dirge 哀悼,拒绝 Deplore someone’s volent behavior
Deport Banish, expel 驱逐,出境 Deport sb
Reside Dwell, abide, inhabit 居住 Dwell on ..
exaggerate Bombast, overstate 夸张,吹牛 Exaggerate the difficulties
repeal Nullify, abolish 取消,撤销,废除 The congress decided to repeal the law
Impede Hamper, hinder 妨碍,阻挠 Impede economic recovery
Promote Accelerate, advance ,promote 促进,帮助 Promote public welfare
suppress Extinguish, advance 镇压 .suppress the truth about sth
indulge Pamper 放纵 He no longer indulged himself in smoking
eliminate Efface, erase 消除,除去 Eliminate differences
Adjective Alternative Meaning Language in use
trivial Frivolous, worthless 琐碎的,不重要的,微不足道的 Differences are trivial a frivolous novel
impetuous Hasty, headlong, rash, brash, precipitate 轻率的;鲁莽的,冲动的 An impetuous young man
ferocious Bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, fierce, wild 残忍的,野蛮的 The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces
sinister Diabolic, forbidding 邪恶的;有害的;致命的 A sinister smile
pernicious Virulent 可怕的,令人难以亲近的 A pernicious influence on society
Reckless Heedless 鲁莽的,不顾后果的 A reckless driver he is quite reckless lof his own safety.
Furtive Covert, sneak 偷偷的,鬼鬼崇崇的;小心谨慎的 He cast a frtive glance at her. A furtive movement.
Covert Hidden, hideaway 秘密的,不公开的 Covert military operations.
Frugal Prudent, sparing, thrifty 节约的,节省的 A very frugal existence
Stint Abstemious 节制、限制某人(尤其指食物) Don’t stint on the ream
Prodigal Extravagant, lavish, spendthrift, wastul 浪费的,挥霍的 They are prodigal in their expenditures.
Active Vivacious, active, animated, brisk, dynamic, energetic, lively 活泼的 An active member of the school’s theatre club
Naughty prankish, impish, puck 顽皮 的 A naughty boy
Clumsy Cumbersome, awkward, burdensome 笨拙的,麻烦的 He chided his son for being clumsy.
Extraordinary Gigantic, huge, immense 巨大的,惊人的 She wears the mostextraordinary g
Exceptional Remarkable, stupendous 例外的,奇特的 She wears the most extraordinary get-up.
Miraculous Wonderful, marvelous 奇妙的 He made a miraculous recovery.
Bold Audacious, daring ,valiant 大胆的,莽撞的 you are so bold that you never do something on second thought.
Productive Prolific, fecund, fertile, fruitful 多产的,丰富的 They work hard, but their forts are not very productive.
Barren sterile 贫瘠的不毛之地 A barren desert
Indigent Improvised, penniless , wretched 贫困的,贫乏的 Indigent migrants
Vigilant Cautious, prudent ary 谨慎的,警觉的 He has ot learn how to remain vigilant through these long nights.












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