


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:279 移动端
--- 出发 --- [b][b]31号早上6点17分起床了,宿舍的兄弟们都还在睡觉,开机....ft... [b]紫霞还down着,算了,上水木灌了几片水,自己先cong了自己一下。 [b]下线,给mm发了条短信,去吃饭。7点一个人从北大打的到西直门, [b]上地铁到永安里,才8点。ft,进贵友的麦当劳买了一杯可乐,拿起一 [b]份信报,瞎看了一会儿,上面在讲中国队可能进16强,ftaft 。 [b]从麦当劳走到大使馆,大概花了5分钟时间,踩点时来过一次,外面 [b]已经聚集了几百号人,我等了半个多小时, [b]终于叫到我的号了,在这之前,看到了化学系的几个mm,还遇上来踩 [b]点的atpmm呵呵,还聊了一会儿世界杯,她 [b]喜欢意大利,唉,偶还是钟情阿根廷啊。 [b] [b]外面一堆推销机票的,呵呵,给了我一堆,说是祝好运,呵呵,偶照 [b]单收下,算是拿个好彩头吧。 [b][b]--- 签证过程 --- [b][b]进去后,先过两次武警gg的检查,都是DS和I-20表还有收据,进小屋,检查签证号还有 [b]物品,不让带手机,寻 [b]呼机啥的,好像也不让带钥匙,不过偶带进去了。进去以后里面已经是密密麻麻,估计 [b]一百多人,偶先去了2号 [b]窗口旁边的椅子坐下,观察了会儿,觉得形势不错,突然想上厕所,可乐喝多了吧,ft [b]。回来后,发现人更多 [b]了,赶紧排队交了I-20和护照,拿了个可爱的玲朦黄,排队,然后就是等啊等,只看见 [b]5号-BJSTMM,6号,7号 [b],8号都是boy,9号秃头。Bjstmm很酷的样子,叫人就是用手指勾一下,让人上,秃头呢 [b],好像据了不少人,几 [b]个BOY好挺不错,不过我看到两个PKU的mm被拒,(sigh...祝她们2000成功) [b]本来我们这一对很有可能被秃头拉去,结果一个不知是干嘛的gg缠着秃头,居然签了半 [b]个多小时,一直在缠, [b]这时我们眼看就要去Bigboy那里了,广播了,叫人去四号窗口,我突然意识到是美国大 [b]妈来了,果然叫的都 [b]是F1,我在最后一个,好险,hoho。 [b]美国大妈果然是大水枪,我们队10个人,好像就一个被拒的,我排在最后一个,和旁边 [b]一个数学系的哥们一直 [b]在聊天,大妈签得特别慢,而且还经常去查东西,前几个都是10分钟到20分钟,问题也 [b]很细,我们都站得快不 [b]行了,感觉真是体力活,就想签完了,走人,回去看世界杯吧! [b]大概11点半左右,我前面的哥们都签过了,美国大妈看了我一眼,笑了,我这时已经隐 [b]约感觉到,Visa快到手 [b]了,她向我示意上去,我大步上前,把两包材料放在台上(在余下的几分钟内就没被打 [b]开过了,可怜我准备的 [b]剧pp的resume和Checklist啊) [b]以军姿站立,呵呵,其实在下面我也是站直的。呵呵,据说这样给人感觉好,不过就是 [b]腰很酸。 [b]M:(微笑的说道)Nice to meet u, Madam. [b]V:(笑得比我还甜,ft)Nice to meet u, so are u tired? u are the last one her [b]e [b]M:(强作微笑)It's ok, It's my pleasure to be interviewed by U!(才怪,我等了你 [b]2个小时啊!!!) [b]V:(似乎看到我带了一堆资料)I will ask for you material if I want. [b]M:(我没听清,ft,以为是要我材料)I have a checklist of my documents here, Wo [b]uld u like...> [b]V:No,no.I will ask for you material if I want. [b]M:(哦,听懂了)Ok. [b]V:So, what field in physics will you study? [b]M:(hoho,经典问题,偶可逮到你了)Blahblah..(其中包含不少语法,单词错误) [b]这时我注意到她一直盯着我,我也瞪大了眼睛往着她。hoho,这个偶可是专业训练过di [b]。 [b]只见她皱了皱眉头,看了是没懂我说的。ftaft。 [b]V:So, does the program in your univ. strong in US? [b]M:(显然啦,废话) Sure. Actually I have the introduction of my professors he [b]re.Would u like to [b]have a look at it? [b]V:Where did u get the information? [b]M:From the internet. [b]V:OH.then when will u get you B,S degree? This year? [b]M:(正以为她要问教授的东西呢,结果没听到,ft,还忘了用parden,我说了声)啊? [b]V:(意识到我没听见)when will u get you B,S degree? This year? [b]M:哦,yes, This coming JUly, I will graduate from Pku. [b]V:(往DS表上写了个东西,不知道是不是给我的issue画圈) [b]然后问了一个我至今没搞明白她问这个问题是啥意思 [b]V:Where do your parents Live? [b]M:(ftaft,25问里面没有吧) FUJIAN! [b]v:Then where will u live when u come back> [b]M:(ftaft,啥意思呢)Beijing! [b]V:OK,WINDOW 10! [b]M:(还没明白她啥意思,拿着黄条子)SO。。。。。。。。。。 [b]V:I say would u please go to window 10 to get you visa> [b]M:(脑子里一片空白,ftaft,)#$#$@$%%$#%%$%@,ok, Thank you....byebye [b]偶屁颠屁颠的走向window10,和先前已经去那的几个哥们击掌相贺。 [b]然后就是和几个哥们聊天啊,喝水啊,里面的保安态度好像还是不错的,对老人也挺照 [b]顾的。不过感觉就是大 [b]厅里面椅子太少了,人在里面站了3个小时,实在是很累啊。 [b] [b]--- 准备 --- [b][b]感觉准备还是很重要的,虽然运气在这个时候比准备重要,但是不过没准备, [b]估计运气也不会好到哪里去。 [b]有了充分的准备,才不会过于紧张。反正偶是打定了,签不过,先看完世界杯再说了。 [b]呵呵呵。 [b]偶带了两个clear box装材料,虽然材料一份都没用上,不过也是大涨我的信心。 [b]我穿了一件在左上角写了北大字样的T-shirt,牛仔酷,运动鞋,反正看起来就是个学 [b]生。 [b]大厅里面还是有点冷的,况且一紧张,就觉得冷吧。呵呵。 [b]本来还想让我现在的导师写个supporting letter的,结果他出国了。就没弄 [b]以下是我带的材料清单 [b]Dear Visa Officer: [b]Thank you for your kind consideration. I will begin my Graduate study at the [b] [b] Department of Physics, University of Virginia this fall. Now I am applying [b]for a student visa. Here is a checklist of my documents. [b]Enclosed please find: [b](1) I-20 form from International Studies Office at University of Virgini [b]a. [b](2) Financial aids letter from the Department of Physics at University o [b]f Virginia. [b](3) Official Admission letter from the School of Arts and Sciences at Un [b]iversity of Virginia. [b](4) Official copies of TOEFL and GRE score reports. [b](5) Official Transcripts from Peking University. [b](6) Emails with Director of the Graduate Admission Committee in the depa [b]rtment of Physics at University of Virginia. [b](7) Two pages of Personal Statement to University of Virginia. [b](8) Resume and Summary of Major Courses. [b](9) Two separate pages of Researching Experiences. [b](10) Offer letters from other Universities. [b](11) Introduction of the Department of Physics at University of Virginia. [b](12) Introduction of Professor Nano in Department of Physics, University [b]of Virginia. [b](13) Introduction of Professor ChinaNano in Nano lab . CAS [b]Thank you very much! [b]BEST WISHES AND A NICE WEEKEND! [b]Sincerely yours, [b]Apple [b][b]---- 准备(2)签证问题 ---- [b][b]这里有我自己总结的问题解答,都是比较personal的,大家可以参考看看。 [b]里面有不少错别字啥的,大家不要见怪。 [b] [b]见面 [b]Nice to meet you. sir. It's my pleasue to be interviewed by you! [b]I am applying for a student vias. Here are my documents. [b] [b]申请学校 [b]How many univs have you applied? [b]me: 9.(假的啦,怎么可能这么少) [b]HOW many admitted you , and what are they? [b]6 [b]among them [b]4 univs gave me admission and full financial aid and 2 only admissions. [b] They are Univ.of Virginia ************* [b]and ******* gave me admission but no financial aids. [b]"What are those universities that didn't accepted you?" [b]3 others rused me. [b]They are "********“. [b] [b] [b]23. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come [b]back? [b] [b]Maybe there are thousands of reasons for their not returning [b] to China, but I don't know clearly. [b] I can promise you that even 99% Chinese [b]students stay in US, I will return to China. [b] [b]研究问题: [b]解释纳米。。 [b]NanoScience is a new branch of physics. It deals with matter in its most ele [b]mental form: atoms and;molecules. [b]the word"nano" means one billionth of a meter. At this scale many special [b]fects, such as coulomb blockade, and single-electron transistor (SET) have [b] been found. By utilizing such fects, we can control the nano particls ,th [b]ey can be used in many application in the future.such as single molecule dev [b]ice. [b]concentrate on theory of nanoscience. [b]For example. [b]in computer, we normally use magnetic material to record date such as harddi [b]sk or floppy disk. [b]Using nanotechnology we can use atoms and molecules to replicate date on a c [b]omputer. We can recored more data ,and it will be faster too. [b]Ten nanometers is 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a strand of human [b] hair. [b] [b]回国问题 [b]22. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China. [b] [b]Well, I have planned to come back. [b]First, I will come back to China and become a researcher in some lab in CAS [b]or PKU such nano lab in CAS. Actually I have [b]discuss this question with my advisor of my BS thesis. He is the deputy dire [b]ctor of my lab. [b]He said that I can join his group when I come back. [b] [b]why come back? [b]I will come back to china not only because I love my own country but also be [b]cause I want to come back to China to pursue my dream and ambition, that is [b]: a successful achievement in my research area. [b] [b]26. Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree? [b]specific field is nanoscience. [b] [b]Actually, I choose Ph.D as my future study for several reseans. First, as I [b]have said just now, NanoScience is a new branch of Physics. The research wor [b]k in this area requires advanced knowledge in Physics both thearetical and i [b]n experimental physics.I need systematic training in both sides at a more ad [b]vanced level. [b]Another resean is Ph.D program in US is the best in the world. With A ph.D [b]degree in Physics from UVA, I will be very easy to get a research position w [b]hen I come back to china. [b] [b]28. Why do you like your major? [b]actually I became interested in physics early when I am still in junior midd [b]le school. On one hand Physics is simple and beautiful in some acspect. [b]Another reason is that in my eyes the essential meaning of physics is that [b]physics should always be kept close contact with the development of whole [b]society. By exploring Physics-- the fundamental of all modern technology, I [b]can speed the development of the society into a new age. [b] [b]伺机拿上Personal Statement [b] [b] [b]奖学金 [b]Will u be TA or RA? [b]Me: During the first year of my graduate study, I will focus on my study in [b]my major and do some lab instruction. At the rest of my graduate study, I wi [b]ll be a research assistant in one of research groups in our dept. Her is the [b] email from the director of graduate admission committee. [b] [b]垃圾问题 [b]G;what is your favorite movie [b]Me:Forest gump. The man always try his best in everything and never give up. [b] I belong to this man.(估计这句答的不错) and the actor is Thom Hancton. He [b]is my favorite actor too. [b]A beautiful mind. THis year OSCAR best movie. I like the man who devoted to [b]his research work and successfully conqure his mental illness. [b] [b]G: have they given you an interview. [b]Me: Yes in Early April this year, Prof. OFFER from the dept gave me an phone [b] interview. He was very satisfied with my oral English and my knowlege in my [b] major,Later he recommended me for admission and full financial aid. [b]G; 你要参加英语培训吗? [b]Me: It depends. According to the schadule of the orientation to UVA, we will [b] have an English Proficency Exam after we arrive at the univ. [b][b]--- 准备(3)几个VO的特点 --- [b][b]这只是我从其他人签证实录上的感觉,并不一定是正确的。 [b]bjmm不喜欢搞研究。。当然不是一定的。 [b] [b]喜欢问ties这个东西,就是你在国内的背景。 [b] [b]喜欢问if u can not。。。 [b] [b]喜欢抓住你的回国计划。 [b] [b]秃头必拿你的G/T成绩,不知道是啥用意,mm好像在他手下比较好过。 [b]只要把他心情搞好了。就ok。 [b]下面是我copy别人的总结 [b]秃头有这样几个特点: [b]1。我看网上人说秃头说话快,但偶觉得秃头的语速就是一般美国人的语速。 [b]2。秃头的声音不太大,而且他面前的对讲机经常处于坏的状态,如果没听清楚的话, [b] PARDON就是了,不要紧张。 [b]3。秃头好像是个挺有经验的签证官。从他跟偶的对话可以感觉出来。他就一付很了解的 [b] 样子说偶肯定移民,让偶不要跟他撒谎,他知道偶怎么想的。偶说NO了,他还说,不 [b] 用骗他了,否则就是INSULT他了。。。 [b] [b] [b]美国大妈的问题集中在 [b] [b]1为什么选择你这个专业。 [b] [b]2为什么要去美国读博士。 [b] [b]大妈问题很细,很多,但是结果都是好的。。 [b] [b] [b]下面是以前有个哥们的签证实录,和BJSTMM的 [b] [b]BJ: ....plan...after....from...(faint,不对着话筒,好,开始整体乐) [b]ME: I will come back to China to set up a new labortary in TSinghua [b]University. It will focus on Meshless computataion......(被cut) [b]BJ: Where can you get the money? [b]ME(hehe,与MM练习中早就料到此问): My current advisor had promised me to [b]provide me with a associate professor's position. I'll start from that [b]position....(又被cut,不不过也在预料中) [b]BJ: What will you do if your current advisor would not be there when you [b] come back? [b]ME(正中下怀,bjmm中了我的套路乐,我就不去找工作,还是research,换个地方就是 [b]了): [b] Then, I'll find a researcher's position at other institions, such as [b] Chinese Academy of Science. I had done some reseach there and [b]have good relationship with people there.... [b] (说着发现bjmm手伸向红条....立马就stop了) [b]总结: [b] bjmm必问plan,且会cut,然后追问1-2次,不要被引向工作,坚持说research就 [b]ok,最多换个地方,但换的地方一定要具体而且有道理。Masion就被误导了。 [b] 另外最好找个人扮演bjmm,最好比bjmm问得更BT...huhu. [b][b]--- 感谢[略] --- [b][b]--- 结束语 --- [b][b]写了这么多,其实,现在回想起来,签证过程本身已经不重要了,我承认 [b]运气占了很大一部分,我看到的被拒的几个mm英文都比我好的说,她们准备也 [b]是比较充分的,sigh,可是结果遇上了bjstmm,秃头啥的,反正,运气就是 [b]这样,大家在签证前好好准备,在签证时,不要紧张,要有自信,毕竟F1还是比较好签的 [b]或者像我这样,把剧签,二千都想好了,先看完世界杯,在去签,多好,呵呵。 [b] [b] [b]结果好,一切都好,祝大家顺利拿到签证。。立即咨询


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