


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:275 移动端
呵呵,各位朋友,各位大虾, [b] [b]本人今天上午一千通过,想到多日来拜会众多先驱签经,所或甚多。吃水不忘挖井人 [b],咱也写两句。 [b] 预约8:30,早晨8:00到使馆,刚刚开始叫号。没多久就进去了,第一关,看护照, [b]没问题;第二关,看护照、DS156,157、交费单据、I-20,结果DS156,157上的照片有一张 [b]横着贴的,不行,到门口化一元钱撕下重粘;第三关,又查看护照、DS156,157、交费单据 [b]、I-20,没问题,但发现我腰中挂者钥匙,不行,又到门口花3元存上。这才进大厅。跟着 [b]别人领了牌牌,黑色的,排队。很长,累得我头上冒汗,腿也疼、脚也疼,要也酸。当时 [b],四号窗口没人,3、5、6、7、8、9好象是巴妹、不认识、侯大将、美国小伙、秃头。签 [b]证的人挺多,什么类型都有。刚开始还好,10号窗口派满了人。后来开始不行了。我看到 [b] 侯大将用戳戳在一个人的护照上一按,旁边一个人说:“枪毙了一个”。一会在7、8号窗 [b]口,看见早晨认识的两个北大MM(好象都是化工,都是University of Michigan=Ann Arb [b]or)悲剧,两人互相握握手出去了,象是互相鼓劲。就是吗,一次不行,再战二次。还有一 [b]个全奖读本科的小孩悲剧。[b] [b]正等得不耐烦,广播点名,说点到的到4号窗口,都是F-1,据说是因为VO不懂中文, [b]只能签F-1.上前一看,是美国大妈(不确定)。简直就是放水,我前面四个几分钟全过了 [b],一个computor,一个EE;一个education,一个physics。忐忑中我上阵了: [b]W:我 [b]V:前征管 [b]W:good morning。(好像没听见) [b]V:how are you! [b]W:I am fine, thanks. [b]W: Eh,my professor urgered me to give you these materials。(我得导师前一天向 [b]大使馆发了传真说我多么好,并说明我毕业后一定回国,写的哼好,他也给我传了一份, [b]要我签证时带上) [b]V:No,give when I ask for。 [b]V:Now you will get the bachelor of law? [b]W:Yes, LLB,Bachelor of law。 [b]V:How much uniniversities have you applied? [b]W:Six,all admitted me, But, only two give me FA。 [b]V:Why don't you study MPA instead of Law。 [b]W:(PA)My balabala。 [b]V:Why dont you study MPA in your country? [b]W:My field is the relationship between government and enterprise。US have a [b]better study on it。 [b]V:Why Did you study MPA in your country? [b]W:The MPA Program was open only one year in China [b]V:Why Did you study MPA when you apply for your school? [b]W:There have no such degree when I applied. [b]V:Which University. [b]W:Tsinghua University. [b]W:which Province Will you be a civil Servent? [b]没听清,老太太生气的重复了一边,我心说,完了。我这人脑袋掉了万达个八的个性。当 [b]即提高声音W:Liaoning Province. [b]V:give me the materials [b](她接过去,快速一翻,根本没细看,不知她昨天看没看) [b]V:How did you know Mr.*** [b]W:He is my advisor, future advisor. [b]V:Why do you select University of ** [b]W:One of my collegue sugested me to attend U of ××,He said that the [b]university has a high education quality. [b]V:Your collegue was in U of **? [b]W:Yes. [b]V:when。 [b]W:Ten years ago。 [b]V:。。。。money [b]W:(没听清)Money? [b]V:Yes [b]W:My school give me the money。 [b]V:Have you talked with others about your plan in government? [b]W:Yes,one of my alumni said he will arrange me a good position in the [b]government. [b]她没再说话,撕了张黄条给我,我接过黄条就走,刚迈步,回头说了句:thank you! [b] [b]等签证等了近1个半小时。心情愉快地回来了。立即咨询
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