

雅思口语高分模板之on time.

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  Do you think it&aposs important to be on time?


  Yes. I always run on time and feel ashamed if I am late to anything. I am not obsessed but feel that if you are invited somewhere you should show the host the respect of being there when invited.. It just seems these days that nobody is on time and running late is the norm.


  No. It has become expected to turn up to an informal event five minutes late, this is what most people do in America. However if punctuality is important for that event then it is considered extremely rude to turn up late.


  Punctuality is a virtue. Oh, being late is RUDE, there is no doubt about it. EXCEPT when going to a party -- then it&aposs expected that you arrive a few minutes late. In fact, the host probably WANTS you to arrive a bit late... I know when I&aposm hosting a party, I&aposm always running around like crazy doing last minute things (like getting dressed!) and if a guest actually arrives on time, I&aposm not ready! Be kind, arrive 5 or 10 minutes late...

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