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  下面是2013年8月17日雅思阅读机经的内容。包括仿生机器人,仿壁虎脚掌sticky toes的动态材料,美国三个地方的图书馆介绍以及儿童对图像与实物的感知这三个部分。下面我们就一起来看看这次考试的雅思阅读考题会给大家带来哪些启发和借鉴呢?




Reading Passage 1


仿生机器人,仿壁虎脚掌sticky toes的动态材料

Question types:


Which paragraph contains the following information;

Short Answer Question;


We are developing neurotechnology based on the neurophysiology and behavior of animal models. We developed two classes of biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicles (see above). The first is an 8-legged ambulatory vehicle that is based on the lobster and is intended for autonomous remote-sensing operations in rivers and/or the littoral zone ocean bottom with robust adaptations to irregular bottom contours, current and surge. The second vehicle is an undulatory system that is based on the lamprey and is intended for remote sensing operations in the water column with robust depth/altitude control and high maneuverability. These vehicles are based on a common biomimetic control, actuator and sensor architecture that features highly modularized components and low cost per vehicle. Operating in concert, they can conduct autonomous investigation of both the bottom and water column of the littoral zone or rivers. These systems represent a new class of autonomous underwater vehicles that may be adapted to operations in a variety of habitat.


We are collaborating with investigators at The University of California, The University of Alabama and Newcastle University to apply principles of synthetic biology to the integration of a hybrid microbot. The aim of this research is to construct Cyberplasm, a micro-scale robot integrating microelectronics with cells in which sensor and actuator genes have been inserted and expressed. This will be accomplished using a combination of cellular device integration, advanced microelectronics and biomimicry; an approach that mimics animal models; in the latter we will imitate some of the behavior of the marine animal the sea lamprey. Synthetic muscle will generate undulatory movements to propel the robot through the water. Synthetic sensors derived from yeast cells will be reporting signals from the immediate environment. These signals will be processed by an electronic nervous system. The electronic brain will, in turn, generate signals to drive the muscle cells that will use glucose for energy. All electronic components will be powered by a microbial fuel cell integrated into the robot body.

This research aims to harness the power of synthetic biology at the cellular level by integrating specific gene parts into bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells to carry out device like functions. Moreover this approach will allow the cells/bacteria to be simplified so that the input/output (I/O) requirements of device integration can be addressed. In particular we plan to use visual receptors to couple electronics to both sensation and actuation through light signals. In addition synthetic biology will be carried out at the systems level by interfacing multiple cellular /bacterial devices together, connecting to an electronic brain and in fect creating a multi-cellular biohybrid micro-robot. Motile function will be achieved by engineering muscle cells to have the minimal cellular machinery required for excitation/contraction coupling and contractile function. The muscle will be powered by mitochondrial conversion of glucose to ATP, an energetic currency in biological cells, hence combining power generation with actuation.


本 次阅读考试总体难度中等偏上,三篇文章都出现了段落细节配对题,这种题型是无序的细节题,需要考生在全篇文章中浏览寻找信息。对于水平较好的考生,可以以 较快的速度浏览文章,但是对于大部分考生来说如果要看完全文可能来不及。建议考生可以通过理解段落主题句,理清文章脉络,再把信息搭配到适合的段落中。




1. 彻底同义转换


2. 完全乱序


3. 部分题目存在重复选项


NB You may use any letter more than once.


4. 从题量上来看,存在着以下两种可能:

1) 题量=段落数+1(肯定带NB)

2) 题量小于段落数两个以上


5. 永远是第一个题型

不管在A类考试还是G类的考试中,这种题目永远是出现在第一个题型,而且这种题型与段落标题配对题型List of headings属于“相克题型”,即这两者不可能同时出现。

6. 有部分题目与其后的题目有关联


题量=段落数+1, 且带NB的题型:


1. 阅读所有题目,划出关键词


2. 通读所有段落,依次寻找答案



剑7 Test 1 Passage 1

剑7 Test 3 Passage 1

Reading Passage 2



Question types:

Which paragraph contains the following information;

Summary Completion;







Summary填空题有个空是填纽约图书馆的造价,应该填9 million。


In the aftermath of the 1871 Great Chicago Fire, Londoner A.H. Burgess, with the aid of Thomas Hughes, drew up what would be called the "English Book Donation," which proposed that England should provide a free library to the burnt-out city. The Chicago Public Library was created directly from the ashes of the great Chicago Fire. Burgess wrote on December 7, 1871 in the London Daily News that "I propose that England should present a Free Library to Chicago, to remain there as a mark of sympathy now, and a keepsake and a token of true brotherly kindness forever..."[3]

After circulating requests for donations throughout English society, the project donated 8,000 books. Private donors included Queen Victoria, Benjamin Disraeli, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, John Stuart Mill, John Ruskin, and Matthew Arnold.[4]

In Chicago, town leaders petitioned Mayor Joseph Medill to hold a meeting and establish the library. The meeting led to the Illinois Library Act of 1872, which allowed Illinois cities to establish tax-supported libraries. In April 1872, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance establishing the Chicago Public Library, and on January 1, 1873, the Chicago Public Library officially opened its doors in an abandoned iron water tank at LaSalle and Adams Streets. The collection included 3,157 volumes. The water tank was 58 feet (18 m) in diameter, 21 feet (6.4 m) high and with a 30-foot (9.1 m) foundation. A two story office building was soon built around it to hold city offices, and a third floor reading room was built for the library.

On October 24, 1873, William Frederick Poole was elected the first head librarian by the library&aposs Board of Directors. Poole was mainly concerned during his tenure on building the circulation. In 1874, circulation services began with 13,000 out of 17,533 available for lending. The library moved from place to place during its first 24 years. Eleven years it spent on the fourth floor of city hall. In 1887, Poole resigned to organize the Newberry Library of Chicago.

On October 15, 1887, Frederick H. Hild was elected the second Librarian of the Chicago Public Library and securing a permanent home was his primary drive. Ten years later, the Central Library was opened. Designed by the Boston firm of Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge in the same academic classical style as their building for the Art Institute, it was located on Michigan Avenue between Washington Street and Randolph Street on land donated by the Grand Army of the Republic, a Civil War Veterans group led by John A. Logan, a Civil War General and U.S. Senator from Illinois. In return for the land the Library was to maintain a Civil War collection and exhibit in a G.A.R. room until the last northern Civil War veteran died. The library would remain on this site for the next 96 years. It is now the Chicago Cultural Center.





摘要填空题因为题目名称里有“摘要”二 字,因而很容易被误认为是主题类题型。然而摘要填空题的核心考点仍然是考查考生是否能够在文章中找出摘要中缺失的细节信息,所以归根结底还是一个细节类题 型。解决摘要题的方法跟其他的细节题型类似,仍然是首先从题目中空格的上下文里找到合适的关键词信息,根据空格上下文信息判断答案可能性,再用关键词回文 定位,寻找答案。




剑5 Test1 Passage 1

Reading Passage 3



Question types:

Multiple Choice(单选);

Which paragraph contains the following information;






For years, imagination was thought of as a way for children to escape from reality, and once they reached a certain age, it was believed they would push fantasy aside and deal with the real world. But, increasingly, child-development experts are recognizing the importance of imagination and the role it plays in understanding reality. Imagination is necessary for learning about people and events we don&apost directly experience, such as history or events on the other side of the world. For young kids, it allows them to ponder the future, such as what they want to do when they grow up.

"Whenever you think about the Civil War or the Roman Empire or possibly God, you&aposre using your imagination," says Paul Harris, a development psychologist and professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who studies imagination. "The imagination is absolutely vital for contemplating reality, not just those things we take to be mere fantasy."

Psychologists like Jacqueline Woolley, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, are studying the process of "magical thinking," or children&aposs fantasy lives, and how kids learn to distinguish between what is real and what isn&apost.

The hope is that understanding how children&aposs cognition typically develops will also help scientists better understand developmental delays and conditions such as autism. For instance, there is evidence that imagination and role play appears to have a key role in helping children take someone else&aposs perspective, says Dr. Harris. Kids with autism, on the other hand, don&apost engage in much pretend play, leading some to suggest that the lack of such activity contributes to their social dicits, according to Dr. Harris.

Dr. Woolley&aposs group at the Children&aposs Research Laboratory has conducted a series of studies involving Santa, the Tooth Fairy and a newly made-up character known as the "Candy Witch" in order to examine the age at which children are able to distinguish between real and fictional entities and how they process contexts and cues when dealing with them.

In one study involving 91 children, Dr. Woolley asked young kids if a number of people and characters, including Santa and the garbage man, were real. She found that 70% of 3-year-olds reported that Santa Claus was real, while 78% believed in the garbage man. By age 5, kids&apos certainty about the garbage man grew, and Santa believers peaked at 83%. It wasn&apost until age 7 that beli in Santa declined. By 9, only a third believed in Santa while nearly all reported the garbage man was real.

So, "if kids have the basic distinction between real and not real when they&aposre 3, why do they believe in Santa until they&aposre 8?" says Dr. Woolley.

The researchers found that while children as young as 3 understand the concept of what is real and what isn&apost, until they are about 7 kids can be easily misled by adults&apos persuasive words or by "evidence." They hold onto their belis about some fantastical characters—like Santa—longer than others, such as monsters or dragons. Most of the kids in the study were Christian, and the numbers of those who believed in Santa would likely be smaller if there were children of other religious backgrounds in the sample, says Dr. Woolley.










剑5 Test 1 Passage 1

剑5 Test 3 Passage 1




本 次考试中完全没有出现经典的段落标题配对题。此类题型与段落细节配对题会发生冲突,因为段落细节的定位一定程度上需要建立在对段落大意的理解和把握的基础 上。通过解决段落标题配对题的过程中对于段落中心句的理解和段落大意的判断,可以很容易帮助考生快速找到细节信息可能出现的位置。另外由于段落细节配对题 对考生能力的考查更为全面,所以现在的考试中非常有可能完全不出现段落标题配对的题型。



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