

2017年7月31日 雅思听力战报 2新2旧.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:223 移动端

  Section 1,一个人要来主讲,安排住宿等。Pritchett(family name),302, coffee, canteen, airport, central, river, expensive, noisy, park.

  Section 2, C(在近100年间),C(offer educational facilities), a donation, adopt, children, send out information, magazines, joint, retied, low income.

  Section 3: work placement—选择题handling data, work long hours, personal statement, up to date with…, study a new language, 5家公司的配对题,一团浆糊。。。

  Section 4: shopping for the future—oil, farms, energy, bar code, free time(not sure), Going Green(Grim?), climate change, constitutes(not sure), housing.

  s1=v09127s1, s2=v06108s2



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