

雅思口语素材:英语俚语(bang out).

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  英语俚语是雅思口语素材中主要的主要成分,为此澳际小编特收集整理雅思口语素材:英语俚语(bang out),分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。

  English Slang collection:

  bang out

  [释] to produce something, usually quickly;

  [例] I had to bang out the final report in just a few hours.;

  bang up job

  [释] an accomplishment that goes above and beyond what is expected; "a good job";

  [例] She did a bang up job on the proposal.


  [释] a great deal of money;

  [例] After the negotiation is done and the contract is signed, we are going to make bank.;


  [释] very;

  [例] Tonight's concert was bare awesome.;


  [释] a lot of; many; much;

  [例] I've got bare amounts of money.

  barge in

  [释] to intrude;

  [例] I'm sorry for barging in. I thought no one was here.;

  bark at the ants

  [释] to vomit outside;

  [例] Rick is drunk and barking at the ants.;

  bark up the wrong tree

  [释]to seek something from the wrong person or place.

  以上就是雅思口语素材:英语俚语(bang out)的相关介绍,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。

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