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陈湃 2011年7月9日雅思口语Part2预测

无忧雅思网 2011年7月9日雅思口语Part1预测

颜炜 2011年7月雅思口语Part1预测

慎小嶷 2011年7月雅思口语Part1预测


������ 雅思口语Part1预测

  1. Major/work/handicrafts

  Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? Do your love courses about science? explain why. students and teachers, who do you think are more important when it comes to studying? what is the most interesting thing about your major/work? do Children in your country learn how to do handicrafts? Did you love to do handicrafts bore? what is the real meaning of it? do you want to do it in the future?

  2. Hometown & weather & Birds & Swimming

  Where are you from? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? what are the population distribution in your hometown? what is the retirement age in your country? what is the weather like in your hometown? has it ever changed? where do you want to live, in big cities or small cities? do you love to do outdoor activtities? can you see birds from your place? what special meanings do different birds have in China? Do you love swimming? what are the benits of swimming? where do you love to go swimming, in swimming pool or in sea? did you swim when you were little?

  3. Flats & Neighbors & color & photography

  Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? which room do you love most in your flat? which was your favorite one when you were little? in your family, who does the housework? how is your relationship with your neighbors? explain why. what kind of colors do you love more, light colors or dark colors, why? Do you love taking pictures of taking picture of you? why.

  4. Flowers & gifts & numbers& Cooking & Food

  Do you love flowers? when do Chinese usually send or receive flowers? what special meanings do flowers have in China? when was the last time you sent or received gifts? you love to get gifts or send gifts? explain why. how to remember those complicated numbers? what special meanings do different numbers have in China?what kind of food do you love? Do you love cooking? explain why.

  5. News/phones/ TV programs/ books/computers/painting

  Which way do you normally get news, on TV, in newspaper or some ways? What kind of news do you want to read? Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? what kind of TV programs do you love watching? do you love watching foreign TV programs? why? Do kids in China love reading? explain why. what is the importance of computers? do you love painting? what kind of painting do you love? do you think kids should learn it? explain why. how do you feel about those parents who force their kids to learn how to paint?

  6. music & Natural sound & films & Concerts & museum & collections

  Do you love watching films/listening to music? what kind of films/music do you love? which way do you love to hang out, alone or with friends? where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema?which what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to? how do you feel about noise? do you love to go to museums? why.have you ever gone to any kind of concert? how was it? Do you have any collections?what is the importance of collecting?

  7. Shopping & Travelling & relaxation & holidays

  Do you love shopping? do you love shopping in big shopping malls? explain why. how do you feel about fashion? do you love traveling? what is the real meaning of traveling? do you think relaxation is very important? why.which public holiday do you most like?

  8. Sports &Transportations

  what kind of sports do you love? do you love swimming? do you love sea? why. do you want to live by sea? do you love to travel by air? how often do you usually travel by air? Do you love pets? explain why.Do people in China love pets? when is the time you love most during the whole day? what is the importance of language? how many languages do you speak?


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