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  根据往年题库和09年考试情况,10年第一季度task 2重点关注四大话题:教育、科技、全球化、环境,具体题目可以参考本人的博客:www.aoji.cn 1必须准备一个流程图,07,08,09每年一月份都考过流程图。同时欢迎大家提出自己的备考困惑或问题,我必竭尽所能助大家一臂之力,这也是我最诚挚的愿望。

  结束语苏东坡诗云,“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”。 希望以上所指能为迷途于山、或为了自己的梦想即将一攀高山的同学拨云见日,了解雅思写作考试的规律,高屋建瓴,必将事半功倍。预祝大家“烤鸭”顺利!


  It is expected that in 2010, especially on January 9th(today, the very first IELTS test in the New Year, in the speaking part, it is expected to see a few not so familiar topics, but as already mentioned, 90% of topics are more than likely to be the same as 2009!!! not specifically new, but there may be some topics that have disappeared for a certain amount of time and have "come back to life”,such as handicraft, something old from the family, a book you want to read again dancing, drawing, age, happiness, time, neighbours, grandparents, games, numbers, noise, birds, rain, weekend, crime etc but basically, in The New Year, after January 9th change, another big change may be expected in April 2009 .,for further information, please pay attention to:www.aoji.cn IELTS section or 马朝霞博客 www.aoji.cn (上面有每个月的口语预测)good luck!!!

  As for the things that you need to be aware of, one would be to pay a bit more attention to Part 2, first make sure you understand the cue card content and then try to relate this topic with other topics that you already have prepared for or are familiar with. A case in point: if you have prepared a ‘place you would like to visit, such as you want to visit Paris, and in the test you get a cue card topic about a second language you want to learn, and then use the replacement principle (互换原则--我们北京澳际口语课上必讲的好技巧哦)you can say you actually want to learn French because you want to visit Paris and then carry on with your story that you already prepare or familiar with。我有一6.5保分班学生正好碰上了这事,她直接就说想学法语,因为她准备过一个想去的城市的题目,我们雅思口语课上练的就是去巴黎。by the way ,她口语考了7.5分。

  Not likely in February but very likely at the end of March or at the beginning of April should be about 3 more new topics. For details; please check with IELTS section after Jan 26th or my blog: www.aoji.cn

  雅思口语高分的急救办法:细节+解释+比较+讲故事+口语连接词。一定要紧记:考官喜欢细节。比如,被问到晚上做什么?先答学习,然后解释为啥会晚上学习?为什么不在学校学习?是每天都学习吗?还是偶尔学习?然后讲几点开始会和家人看电视?是为了陪家人吗?因为大家平时忙没时间见面吗?看什么电视节目?其他人也想你一样嘛?Do try this! Really good .I try in our class, my dear students like it a lot and say:老师,雅思口语原来是这麽一回事!最后预祝所有考生2010雅思口语都取得超好的成绩!

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