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  + plus ;positive

  - minus ;negative

  × multiplied by ;times

  ÷ divided by

  = equals

  ≈ approximately equals

  ≠ not equal to

  < less than

  > greater than

  ≤ equal to or less than

  ≥ equal to or greater than o

  ( ) round brackets ;parentheses

  [ ] square brackets

  { } braces

  ∈ is a member of the set

  ? is a subset of

  ∽ similar to

  ≌ congruent to

  * denotes an operation

  ∴ therore

  ∵ because

  ∶ ratio sign, divided by, is to

  ∷ equals, as(proportion)

  ∥ parallel to

  ⊥ perpendicular to, at right angles with

  ∠ angle

  ∟ right angle

  o degree

  ′ minute

  ″ second

  ⊙ circle

  A?B arc AB

  e the base of natural logarithms,approx.2.71828

  x! factorial x, x(x-1)(x-2)---1

  lognx log x to the base n

  π pi

  lnx log x to the base e(natural logarithm)

  lgx log x to the base 10(common logarithm)

  |x| the absolute value of x


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