

GRE写作 Argument常用词汇总结.

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GRE写作常用词汇汇总。GRE词汇在整个GRE考试中的重要性不言而喻,想要在GRE写作中取得高分,更加的需要掌握GRE词汇,下面澳际小编就给大家汇总一些GRE写作常用的词汇,供大家参考。   GRE写作常用词汇如下,参加GRE考试的同学,可以通过文章掌握这些GRE词汇,便于备考。   面临:   confront; encounter; witness;   限制:   Restrict; circumscribe; confine; limit;   表面上:   on the surface; superficially; ostensibly; apparently;   具体的:   concrete; specific; detailed; particular; dinite; informative;   加快促进:   accelerate; facilitate; advance; boost;   支持:   substantiate; bolster; justify; solidify; support; strengthen; validate; in favor of; in support of;   否定:   =>fail;   =>miss; neglect; in ignorance of; is hardly suffice to / do not suffice to; suggest nothing about;   => rute; undermine; deny; ruse; weaken;   按照原文的假设/推断:   rest on; rely on; depend on; base on; on the basis of;   upon which the argument depends;   upon which the argument rest;   upon which the argument relies;   只要:   so long as ;so far as; only if; insofar; subject to the proviso;   不管:   no matter what; irrespective of whether/~; regardless of; whatsoever;   (忽略了)把某因素考虑进去:   (fail to; omit to); take ~ into account/ consideration; give an insight into; account for(解释);   considering and weighing; considering and ruling out/eliminate;   weighing ~ against alternatives/~;   concerning;   缺少:in the absence of; for lack of; lacking; a lack of; in short of;   很多大量:a myriad of; a variety of; a multitude of; numerous; a large amount of; a GREat deal of;   过度:undue; exceedingly; excessive; overstate; overemphasize;   不断增长:growing; increasing; quickening;   以上就是小编给大家汇总的GRE写作argument常用词汇,参加GRE考试的同学,可以通过本文章熟悉掌握这些GRE词汇,在写作时合理运用,帮助您写出顺畅的GRE作文。
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