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  9"Academic disciplines have become so specia lized in recent years that scholars&apos ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use."




  dine wider audience as people of other disciplines within the same field or relevant field; physics and mathematics; chemistry and biology; achievenments in one discipline can shed light on other discipline


  dine wider audien ce as people outside academic field; the re search on computer science; people still can benit from the application of those ideas even though they do not un der stand the underlying principles

  9T "Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars&apos ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use."


  ① 现在确实 increasingly narrow. 如:原来 Aristotle 什么都研究,现在的物理学家只关注于问题 such as 一个核子如何作用。原来 Confucius 对于国家的各个领域都研究,现在的教育家只研究哪一种教学方法对一群特定学生起作用。

  ② 但科学家们之间有相互合作。如:Watson and Click DNA

  ③ 有些领域即使在很小范围内研究,也能服务于社会。Game theory

  As a matter of fact, the more specialized the ideas, the less accessible to them. However, specialization does not have any impact on the value of scholars’ ideas. Actually, it is not necessary for the public to under stand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. For example,most people do not know how the CPU is running in the personal computer, but this does not hamper them to using computers.


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