


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:194 移动端


1. Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly _____ over the years, thereby rlecting its own mutability.

  (A) appreciated

  (B) emulated

  (C) altered

  (D) criticized

  (E) reprinted

  2. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly______, most frequently by human intervention.

  (A) celebrated

  (B) predicted

  (C) observed

  (D) disturbed

  (E) questioned

  3. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old dinition of a scholar—a siren that calls attention to a fog without doing anything to______it.

  (A) describe

  (B) cause

  (C) analyze

  (D) dispel

  (E) dissipate

  4. Foucault’s rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; he had _____ in the United States who, without knowledge of his work, developed parallel ideas.

  (A) critics

  (B) counterparts

  (C) equivalents

  (D) disciples

  (E) readers

  5. Calculus, though still indispensable to science and technology, is no longer _____; it has an equal partner called discrete mathematics.

  (A) preeminent

  (B) pertinent

  (C) benicial

  (D) essential

  (E) pragmatic

  6. While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistent parents may _____it.

  (A) exacerbate

  (B) neutralize

  (C) aggravate

  (D) eradicate

  (E) ameliorate

  7. Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry, even now only a few independent observers _____ his works.

  (A) praise

  (B) revile

  (C) neglect  

(D) scrutinize

  (E) criticize


passage: n.(时间的)消逝,推移

  soften: v.1.使变软,使软化,使缓和 2.使变暗,使变轻,使变淡 3.减轻,削弱

  hostile: a.1.敌方的 2.怀敌意的,不友善的,不利的

  revile: v.辱骂,痛斥

  scrutinize: v.详细检查(观察),细看



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