

六月份GMAT考试作文机经 公司搬去helios.

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  V1 corporations look to helios, helios有较低的失业率blabla,然后罗列了helios的优点包括历史悠久 技术先进什么什么的

  V2一个城市叫Heliod, 说是all business should go there for opportunities and open new plant云云,很久以前写过,很好考到古估计。reason有:

  1. 是周边城市中unimployment最低的,even in economic crisis

  2. has provided more manufacturing jobs than its proportion in the reagion in the past

  3. 该市正在吸引high tech, innovation business


  V1 某地B 失业率一直比整个region低,然后historically has provided more than its share of regional manufacturing jobs. In addition, B is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting more 高科技创新公司。所以公司should look at B when 寻找新商业机会或者选址 ---never267

  V2 一个regional life的magazine的article里面有段话,说corporation都应该去Helios 这个城市找new business opportunity或者new location。因为之前recession的时候Helios的unemployment rate was lower than regional average。且过去很多年Helios 都是industrial 中心。说现在Helios为了expand economy base要引进research and development new technology的公司。

  楼主由于昨儿没寂静 吓得凌晨2am才休息,本来就才6小时基本上没睡着。。看这个题目比较晕乎。。。只写了时间上的(过去好不等于未来好)还有说unemployment rate 关是否适合new business 啥事。很可能一开始unemployment rate就很低,所以即使这个城市其实失业率increase sharply最后还是低于average,但是实际上整个经济已经不好了。而这个城市之所以要招商很可能要么发展到了瓶颈要么已经开始下坡了,所以才要招商。最后建议好歹给一点关于这个城市未来发展预测的数据。(by: 昆仑飞)

  V3 (疑似原题!) The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.

  “Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”(感谢wangxin1129 J)


  In this argument corporations are urged to consider the city of Helios when seeking a new location or new business opportunities. To support this recommendation, the author points out that Helios is the industrial center of the region, providing most of the region’s manufacturing jobs and enjoying a lower-than-average unemployment rate. Moreover, it is argued, forts are currently underway to expand the economic base of the city by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies. This argument is problematic for two reasons.

  To begin with, it is questionable whether the available labor pool in Helios could support all types of corporations. Given that Helios has attracted mainly industrial and manufacturing companies in the past, it is unlikely that the local pool of prospective employees would be suitable for corporations of other types. For example, the needs of research and development companies would not be met by a labor force trained in manufacturing skills. For this reason, it’s unlikely that Helios will be successful in its attempt to attract companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.

  Another problem with the available work force is its size. Due to the lower than average unemployment rate in Helios, corporations that require large numbers of workers would not find Helios attractive. The fact that few persons are out of work suggests that new corporations will have to either attract new workers to Helios or pay the existing workers higher wages in order to lure them away from their current jobs. Neither of these alternatives seems enticing to companies seeking to relocate.

  In conclusion, the author has not succeeded in providing compelling reasons for selecting Helios as the site for a company wishing to relocate. In fact, the reasons offered function better as reasons for not relocating to Helios. Nor has the author provided compelling reasons for companies seeking new business opportunities to choose Helios.


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