

GMAT作文机经整理:Healthier, organic, fitness gym.

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  5月6日换库后,小编现在为大家开始收集整理5月的GMAT作文机经,下面这篇是关于Healthier, organic, fitness gym一篇GMAT作文机经,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。


  是说现在人们more interest in eat healthier, one way to eat more healthier is to eat organic food ,so 作者建议在all of the three fitness gym 都开一个organic food 商店,这样就可以大大的盈利了。



  Sales of organic food products in this country have tripled over the past five years. If Aurora is to profit from this continuing trend, we must diversify and start selling products such as organic orange juice and organic eggs in addition to our regular product line. With the recent increase of articles in health magazines questioning the safety of milk and other food products, customers are even more likely to buy our line of organic products. And to help ensure our successful expansion, we should hire the founder of a chain of health-food stores to serve as our vice president of marketing.”


  1 eating healthier和organic food 之间没有直接联系。

  2 在fitness gym开organic food不合适。地点,消费者习惯。

  3 organic food 可能很贵,所以销量不高,不一定能够大大盈利。


  一个company owner 做了一个针对自己客户的调查,发现人们都想吃的更健康,吃的健康的一种途径是吃organic food,于是就决定在自己不同地区的3家店都引进此产品。除此之外还建议一个啥啥公司赶在大型连锁企业move in 之前先在这儿建一个toehold。 之后就therore了,说在所有三个不同地方的店都增加有机食品,必然会使overall profit增加。


  以上就是关于Healthier, organic, fitness gym的GMAT作文机经的全部内容,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。

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