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  【版本1】还有一个不是代词考点的 因为貌似每个选项都有个it 或者its

  ........underestimated its XX and how great of an impact it has<或者可能是had> on individuals。下面的选项有its XX and its impact。还有 its XX and how it ...impact on (后半部分肯定是how打头 内容可能有遗漏...)

  【版本2】考了一个类似“你们的提议是well sounded, but you intentionally unstated how permanent it is and impact of it”类似的吧,选项是各种permanent和impact的用法,我选了最短的那个its permanency and its impact

  【版本3】还考了一个类似“你们的提议是well sounded, but you intentionally unstated how permanent it is and impact of it”类似的吧,选项是各种permanent和impact的用法,我选了最短的那个its permanency and its impact,因为看了机经,都选成名词,不知道对不对。

  l 版本1:荔枝妹认为是and的考点。and连接的两部分有可能是its XX和how后面的内容,也可以是underestimated前面有内容和how great连接。

  l 补充and平行要注意:


  例:╳ Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly, AND lt late every night.

  √ Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, AND leaving late every night.


  l Parallelism

  1. permanent adj.

  impact of it中的impact为n.

  permanency n.

  2. unstated后面是how从句和名词impact用and连接,不平行。

  (荔枝温馨提示,希望大家慎用狗主答案,荔枝给出的分析都是按照我目前看到的题目趋势,但是如果此题impact of it另起炉灶继续接but后面的内容呢?

  也是说可以这么来:but你故意没说这个提议能维持多久,and它的效果根本就没法担保。那么,是不是unstated its permanency and its impact. 就得再考虑考虑了。当然荔枝YY的是impact of it 后面还有题干的前提下,如果题干就是到impact of it然后结束,那么its permanency and its impact可选)


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