

GMAT作文机经整理:Carlo’s clothing 投放radio广告博收益.

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  【原题】 考古机经

  The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of carlo’s Clothing to the staff.

  “Since disc Depot, the music store on the nest block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profts, we should therore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.”


  因果错误1 DD老板挣钱的原因没有给出。他们有很多人去不一定都是购买的,购买也不一定是挣钱的。老板可能是干别的挣钱。即使挣钱,去年挣钱是不是和广告有关系,是不是去年潮流就是挺CD啊什么的,DD是不是还有其他的营销手段啊,也不知道,所以即使同意DD确实盈利了,但是也不能确定是因为radio advertising。

  类比错误2 clothing VS Disc Depot music store /不同block. 受众newspaper VS Radio从受众和购买需求分析不同 不能对比Profits

  类比错误3 即使广告确实有效,profit=cost-revenue cost没说,能有多少revenue未知


  1、The foot trafic into the store and the increase of owners&apos personal wealth can not indicate the business growth of the Disc Depot.

  2、The author commits a fallacy of all things are equal.

  3、The author commits a fallacy of false analogy.

  4、Other factors other than the radio advertisement that may contribute to the business growth of Disc depot should be considered and ruled out. Likewise, it is possible that there are some other reasons can explain the stagnant profit of carlo&aposs clothing.


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