


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:241 移动端




  1. 段落大意:

  P1:提出一种现象,并实验证明:环境变化导致的紫外线变化会对两栖类造成伤害,但是酶可以repair基因(Q2)。两个科学家做蛙类卵的孵化率field study,三个品种(species)的卵拿来照紫外线:一个是H,一个是R,一个是B。品种不同,对于UV(紫外线)造成影响的反应也不同。



  讲了这三种eggs的免疫力的问题,说他们的免疫力强的时候也能提高孵化率。但是人类活动不断deplete ozone,使更多紫外线能够到达地球,影响了eggs的免疫力,因为这样会使得青蛙更容易被一种真菌感染,所以孵化率就降低了。


  Hyla regilla 太平洋树蛙

  Rana cascadae 红腿蛙

  Bufo boreas 巴氏蟾蜍

  2. 题目:

  *Q1. hatching时R和B会怎样

  Q2. 酶的feature

  *Q3. 主旨题


  Q4. 下列哪个选项能weaken专家关于免疫力的观点?

  Q5. 有一个问题是 这些细菌都有什么共同的特点 定位第一段中间 e开头的单词


  Many amphibian species, in widely scattered locations, currently show population declines and/or reductions in range, but other amphibian species show no such declines. There is no known single cause for these declines. Differential sensitivity to UVB radiation among species might be one contributing factor. We have focused on amphibian eggs, potentially the most UVB-sensitive stage, and compared their resistance to UVB components of sunlight with their levels of photolyase, typically the most important enzyme for repair of the major UV photoproducts in DNA, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. Photolyase varied 100-fold among eggs/oocytes of 10 species. Among three species—Hyla regilla, Rana cascadae, and Bufo boreas—for which resistance of eggs to solar UVB irradiance in their natural locations was measured, hatching success correlated strongly with photolyase. Two additional species, Rana aurora and Ambystoma gracile, now show similar correlations. Among the low-egg-photolyase species, R. cascadae and B. boreas are showing declines, and the status of A. gracile is not known. Of the two high-photolyase species, populations of H. regilla remain robust, but populations of R. aurora are showing declines. To determine whether levels of photolyase or other repair activities are affected by solar exposures during amphibian development, we have initiated an extended study of H. regilla and R. cascadae, and of Xenopus laevis, laboratory-reared specimens of which previously showed very low photolyase levels. Hyla regilla and R. cascadae tadpoles are being reared to maturity in laboratories supplemented with modest levels of UV light or light filtered to remove UVB wavelengths. Young X. laevis females are being reared indoors and outdoors. Initial observations reveal severe fects of both UVA and UVB light on H. regilla and R. cascadae tadpoles and metamorphs, including developmental abnormalities and high mortalities. Assays of photolyase levels in the skins of young animals roughly parallel previous egg/oocyte photolyase measurements for all three species.

  2. 佃农 (sharecropper)

  1. 段落大意:

  P1. 先讲了一些关于黑人解放(emancipation)在Civil War之后的发展,大概就是变得蓬勃。

  P2. 讲到黑人解放运动之所以发展起来,在于Civil War之后黑奴被解放,因此比较有余暇从事这方面的活动。

  P3. 由于黑人有闲,不能乱操,因此南方就产生劳力不足的问题,地主为了吸引到足够的劳力,因此发展出佃农(sharecropper)这种制度。就是帮忙耕种的人可以分到一定比例的收成(好像是一半)。

  P4. 由于佃农制的普及,有一种burden system(好像是这样拼)的系统相应而生。因为佃农需要自己出钱买种子,但是往往因为没钱,所以只好先用年底的收成和种子商(往往是地主)来预支种子。仅有收成这个唯一的筹码,佃农在最后常常变成得根据地主的要求来耕种作物─大多数时候被要求种棉花。因为大家都种棉花倒致棉花过剩价格大跌,最后受害最深的往往还是佃农本身。

  2. 题目:

  Q1. 主旨题

  Q2. 细节题:佃农遇到的第一个阻碍是什么?(定位P4)

  Q3. 细节题:是什么背景让佃农制普及?(因为缺乏劳工,我记得是E)


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