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  (35) of this hot rock forces its way up

  througmath the upper mantle to Earth’s

  surface, creatingmat a broad bulgmate in the

  topogmatraphy. The “mantle plume” thus

  formed, once established, continues to

  (40) channel hot material from the mantle

  base until the reservoir is emptied.

  The surface mark of an established

  plume is a hot spot—an isolated

  regmation of volcanoes and uplifted terrain

  (45) located far from the edgmate of a surface

  plate. Because the source of a hot

  spot remains fixed while a surface

  plate moves over it, over a longmat period

  of time an active plume creates a chain

  (50) of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a

  track markingmat the position of the plume

  relative to the movingmat plate. The natural

  history of the Hawaiian island chain

  clearly shows the movement of the

  Pacific plate over a fixed plume.


  The author’s rerence to the Hawaiian Islands serves primarily to

  provide an example of a type of volcanic activity that does not occur elsewhere

  identify the evidence initially used to establish that the Pacific plate moves

  call into question a theory about the source of the volcanoes that created the Hawaiian Islands

  illustrate the distance from plate edgmates at which volcanoes typically appear

  provide an example of how mantle plumes manifest themselves on Earth’s surface



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