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  Part I:Fallacy

  1. Missing evidence or justification: hasty generalization

  2. Confusion in causal reasoning:

  a. post hoc, ergo propter hoc

  b. concurence

  c. causal oversimplification (可以看作hasty generalization的特例)

  3. other fallacies:

  a. false analogy

  b. false dillemma

  c. composition

  d. false appeal (appeal to common sense, appeal to authority, appeal to emotion)

  e. begging the question

  f. equivocation

  g. incomplete or selective comparison(可以归于false analogy)

  h. ad hominem (h开始就比较少见)

  i. straw man

  j. argumentum ad populum

  Part II: Survey

  1. Information too vague (no sample, no population, procedure unknown)

  2. Data irrelevent

  3. Lacks representitiveness:

  a. the fallacy of insufficient sample (关键看sample和population的比例)

  b. the fallacy of biased sample(来自同一地区,参与者有共同特性)

  c. incentives of author to bias the sample

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